Plodding With Purpose

Plodding With Purpose

by Carol Lee

This hill, though high, I covet to ascend;
The difficulty will not me offend.
For I perceive the way to life lies here.
Come, pluck up, heart; let’s neither faint nor fear.
Better, though difficult, the right way to go,
Than wrong, though easy, where the end is woe.”
John Bunyan, The Pilgrim’s Progress


And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.

Galatians 6:9

Arua 2
In Arua

Jon Bloom wrote this in an article about “plodding“:   “Purpose to be a plodder. A plodder keeps moving. A plodder perseveres. A plodder presses on. A plodder knows the disappointment of unrealized ideals, feels the fear of failure and exposed deficiencies, and the ambiguity of too many demands, options, and tasks. But a plodder isn’t immobilized by them. He or she presses on in the faith that God will supply the needed strength (1 Peter 4:11), wisdom (James 1:5), and direction (Proverbs 3:6).

Arua 1
In Arua

Most of what we do here at Reaching Africa’s Unreached is a “plodding” along in the tasks we have been given (and have chosen) to do.   As Johann Wolfgang von Goethe says, “In the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm… in the real world all rests on perseverance.”  What is recorded here is our day to day, doing-what-we-know-to-do activities (done, hopefully, in a faithful and joyful way).

A young girl who came with intestinal troubles to receive help

Since our last retreat the pace has slowed, but only long enough to plan the next thing.  So often, too, the “next thing” just shows up, so we are learning flexibility and an attitude (I don’t say we have these attitudes down pat – but we are ever learning) of servanthood and compassion for whatever situation or person that shows up!  Many times it is a Pastor or Christian who needs a resource or some encouragement.  And often it is someone with a medical/physical issue which needs care and resources.  Both of these things happened just today:  Jacob received a young man who was looking for helpful theological resources; I received an elderly woman with conjunctivitis who needed help with the medication; also today we both spent time counseling a young man who was having pastoral and personal problems.  That is life – no matter where one lives – and plodding on faithfully and joyfully is our calling.

Way to Arua
On the way to Arua

The beauty of Arua

Our young student was happy to see us and greeted us enthusiastically with vigorous hugs.  I am sure she thought we might not come since it was so late.  It was a joy to see her and her environment and to provide her with some treats and supplies which she needed.  Her mother sent along some home-cooked goodies (which also tells of the work of the Holy Spirit in the softening of this mother’s heart for her daughter!).  It was a joy to also have an outlet for motherly love and encouragement and prayer for “N.”  Please keep praying for her to grow in her new found faith and her mother and other family members that they would know and experience the love and grace of Jesus through the Word of God and through the love of Christians  in Yumbe.

Meanwhile, back at the mechanic shop,  Jacob and Zorah, as mentioned above, were hanging out, waiting for an ever-growing list of problems to be found and fixed.  This story, though it could be seen as a frustration and delay, has the providence and kindness of God written all over it!  Along the bumpy and dusty patch of road between Yumbe and  Koboko, one particular bump brought about a particular sound which, though it had a sort of musical clang to it, was NOT music to Jacob’s ears!  When he checked he found a broken stabilizer bracket in the the front end.  The reason we can see God’s kindness in this is that it happened on our way to a place where something could be done to fix it – rather than on some remote “road” in the Metu mountains where, apart from a miracle, nothing could have been done to fix it and no wrecker would have been available to come and haul the Land Cruiser to town!  Even the ever-growing list of problems was a blessing because the problems were identified in a place and at a time where they could be seen and fixed.  This is a blessing indeed as we look forward to some rugged outings in the near future.

Checking things out
Working on a double battery system. Jacob also wants to get a winch install to be prepared for the bush roads in the rainy season.
Outdoor garage

This Friday, March 20th,  Jacob has been invited by some Koboko Pastors (who attended a RAU Retreat) to come to Koboko for a day of teaching for them and fellow shepherds.  I can’t think of many groups of Christians who would do this, but these men asked him to come and teach on the Biblical view of suffering, a topic which Jacob normally includes in the Retreat curriculum but which was left out due to a time crunch.  He may be able to provide 2 sessions of teaching so that their organizational effort can be maximized.  We so appreciate the desire of these leaders to grow in their knowledge of and obedience to the Word of God!  Please be praying for this event.  Jacob, Zorah and Joseph (who organized the event and is spending some time here with us) will go Friday morning and then Jacob and Zorah will come back on Saturday.  There will be 50 or more leaders present.

Angurini Joseph, organizer, song leader

Next Tuesday, March 24th, we will head to Gbari (“Bah-ree“) for another day of discipleship teaching for new believers and medication distribution in the community.  (One of the bounties of our visit to Arua was finding a wholesale pharmaceutical shop where we were able to get de-worming medicines and to fill a wish list of medications for a nurse in the Gbari area whose clinic was in desperate need of medicines.)  Gbari is the place in the Metu Mountains where a fledgling church was started and where Geoffrey, from Aya Baptist, has been sent as a missionary Pastor along with his family. Nothing short of revival has been happening in this remote and rugged region. It is RAU’s commitment to stand with men who are sent to hard-to-reach and hard-to-stay places so that the living Church of the Living God can find a firm and growing foothold in a spiritual desert.

         “The work of evangelism is never complete until the one evangelized becomes an evangelizer.

Dr. Herschel Hobbs

Working together to spread the fame of King Jesus!
Working together to spread the fame of King Jesus!

With regard to this, we are asking for financial help on behalf of the Gbari church for $1000 which would purchase one half acre, build of a simple grass thatched church structure, a tukalu for Geoffrey and his family and a latrine for the church members to use.  Please pray for a desire and means to supply this need.

On Friday, March 27th, Jacob will do some open air preaching in a village market somewhere near Yumbe town.  It is a market Friday so more than the usual amount of people will be there. Virtually all of the listeners will be Muslims.  Please pray for “plowed ground” in the hearts of those who will hear the Best News Ever and for heart-penetrating and wise words from the preacher!

One resource that has been an immense help in the Yumbe and Obongi area is the book called, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesusby Nabeel Qureshi.  It is an autobiographical story of a young Pakistani man whose  journey took him from a sincere devotion to Allah and the tenets of Islam to deep faith in the saving work of Christ over a long period of questioning, searching and with the help of a humble, loving Christian friend.  We have placed this book into the hands of several Imams and other Muslims as well as into the hands of Christian leaders for whom this resource will be a benefit in their interactions with Muslims.  Just this weekend we heard of the testimony of the son of a Muslim man who died.  The son came to stay in his uncle’s home (who is a Christian) and, after reading this book, converted to Christ from Islam because the questions that he had were answered in this book.  Please consider purchasing copies of this for us to bring back from our Stateside visit which is coming up soon and/or to be placed in the container.

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus

On the following Tuesday, March 31st, we (and I am tentatively including myself in the “we“) will, once again, head up the Metu Mountains and then hike over rough terrain to another remote and virtually unreached village called, “Oku.”  From what we have heard, there has been little or no reach of The Best News Ever into this village.  Pray that as the Gospel Story is shared hearts will “see and savor Jesus Christ” (John Piper) and will gladly trust in His lavish love and sacrifice for them!  Pray that lasting fruit would be borne and that a thriving Church could grow there with the help of faithful disciple-makers.

We are so happy to report some fruit and progress on the medical need and provision of treatment that was written about a good while ago.  Many of you may remember “Mildred Forgive,” the young baby girl with hydrocephalus.  Recently, her mother brought her by for us to see her progress and to receive some help to get Mildred Forgive to her next appointment.  Oh. My. Goodness!  The transformation is amazing, as you will see in the photos below!  Thank you for giving and praying and loving!

Pray for MIldred
Pray for MIldred
Prayers and love for Mildred Forgive bear fruit
Healthy, chubby little girl

The building and renovation of the tukalu near the house is coming along nicely.  Once finished, it will accommodate 4 double bunks and a queen-sized bed.  It will have an enlarged bathroom and a sitting room attached.  Not only will we be able to include 8 more pastors at the retreats, but we will have a nice set-up for a visiting couple or family who wants to stay for a while for ministry.

The expanded Tukalu; the slab to the right is ready to receive the 2nd container. The roof will extend over both containers to make a handy-dandy work space between the two.

Please also remember our “Fill the Container Drive.”  Praise the Lord, we have funds for 2000 of the 5000 Global ESV Study Bibles we are hoping for.  It is $10 per Bible, including shipping to Seguin, if we buy them in bulk (5000).  The money for purchasing and shipping the container here is already in place.  We only have to fill the container with the hoped for supplies.

As we look towards the rainy season, we have as a major priority the mounting of a winch on the front of the Land Cruiser to help extricate us out of any “muddy situations” which may arise.

Jacob is also hoping soon to get the ground plowed and ready for planting another crop of soybeans and a good number more of grafted mango trees.  This will happen once there have been some ground-soaking rains to soften up the dirt.

Yesterday  (Tuesday, March 17th) Jacob took the whole day to refresh his soul in reading  Jesus Continued…Why the Spirit Inside You is Better Than Jesus Beside You, by J.D. Greear.  Jacob reported that it is one of the BEST books he has ever read on the work and role of the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life.  He was personally encouraged, refreshed and enlivened by it. He highly recommends the book!

Jesus Continued 2

I am enjoying Zorah’s love for and interest in guitar, music and worship.  We have a growing, common repertoire of songs and are enjoying practicing it has been refreshing to harmonize and play “the eggs” (percussion instrument in the shape of colorful eggs!)  Maybe, ONE DAY, we will include a video of us singing one of the songs!

Zorah, who is interning with us.

We don’t hear as often from Sam these days.  He is very busy, immersed in his Nursing studies.  We are continuing to pray for him that the Lord would bless his mind and that Sam would be prepared for even greater service as he fine tunes his skills as a nurse.  He has been such a blessing to us at RAU and we are grateful for his partnership and leadership in RAU.

Nurse Sam, doing his thing!



Patrick Bukenya is doing well, along with his family.  He is doing a fabulous job of leading at First Presbyterian and is a vital liaison for RAU.  His children, Genesis and Gabby are growing and blossoming beautifully.  Vickie continues to show great wisdom and leadership in her profession as a Pharmacist.  Patrick has given us a good report on the 8 children that were sponsored to attend the school which was started by First Presbyterian Church of Uganda.  See them looking “smart” (the Uganda term for “beautiful”) in the photos below!

Patrick, Vickie, Gabby (left) and Genesis (right)
The Moyo area children at First Presbyterian Church’s School who are being sponsored.
Richard, from South Sudan at First Presbyterian; standing straight on his feet after club foot surgery.

The men and women who help us here at RAU on a daily basis are such a blessing to us.  Our love and appreciation for them grows daily.  We are blessed to have them as co-workers with us in this West Nile Region of Uganda.  They, especially, understand the daily plodding in faithfulness, but they are seeing the bigger picture which is a steady progress in the Kingdom of God and blessings that come through faithfulness.

Working on the front fence line.
Odendi (Zakeo), Mindra, Pastor Henery, Mundrugo, and John





We cannot end a newsletter without also expressing our gratitude for the Rope Holders without whom we could not plod faithfully and joyfully!  Your financial support, prayers, love and enthusiasm are to us like the air we breathe – absolutely vital!  May the Lord bless your lives as you bless us!

Thanks for reading this.

Love, Carol (and Jacob)

Carol 1

The greatest evil is having the gospel and not doing everything within our  power to get it to those who do not have it. May the Lord grant each of us His followers the wherewithal to be obedient disciples!

Jacob Lee

Tax deductible  charitable donations may  be made via PayPal.  PayPal also has a way to make reoccurring monthly gifts. To do so  please click their link below. PayPal deducts  a small amount from each gift as a processing fee. All gifts given through PayPal are now tax deductible as Reaching Africa’s Unreached has 501 c3 tax exempt status as a charitable organization.  If you wish to write a check you may write it out to R.A.U. and mail it to Lifegate Missions, 395 Lifegate Ln., Seguin Texas 78155


RAU Retreat Number 13 Complete


Pastors from the upper northeastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo


I am happy to report to you all that we finished our 13th RAU Leadership retreat with a second group of leaders from the upper northeastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The northeastern D.R. Congo borders South Sudan, Central Africa Republic as well as northwestern Uganda.  The Guesthouse veranda was often full of joyful laughter and animated talk in Lingala, Kakwa, Swahili, Madi, French, and English throughout the four days the pastors were with us.  We also found out that the Congolese are gifted singers.

Fellowship on the veranda



 It was an honor to study together with this small group of 17 men who are on the front lines proclaiming the gospel where there are few or no churches. Your prayers and support are a vital part of us walking out 2 Timothy 2:2 here at Reaching Africa’s Unreached!

“And the [instructions] which you have heard from me along with many witnesses, transmit and entrust [as a deposit] to reliable and faithful men who will be competent and qualified to teach others also.”

2 Timothy 2:2 (Amplified Version with emphasis mine)


We had many good and intense discussions on what exactly the gospel is and the importance of understanding that salvation is by grace alone through Jesus alone (with theme of 2 Timothy 2:2 echoing throughout the Hall of Tyrannus all four days.) Pastor Patrick and I did the bulk of the teaching with intern, Zorah, taking one session. As I spent more and more time with these men my love for them grew. I greatly respect them as they labor in a very challenging part of the D.R. Congo. Their stories reveal the great love of Jesus for them and their great love for Him.

Each pastor received an ESV Study Bible and was taught how to use it.
Pastors receive a bag full of rich resources.
Congo 4
Pastor Patrick


Congo 3
With interpreter Abeson

Many possibilities are present to train leaders in their region that the fame of King Jesus would spread throughout their heavily forested area. I am told the terrain in their region is in itself challenging. We are in the process of working to get three more groups to RAU from their area and to travel there at least twice for leadership training before the end of the year. Lord willing, we will be able to accomplish this goal. Please pray that strategies can be successfully made and implemented.

Pastors also received reading glasses if needed as well as de-worming pills for themselves and their families. Carol attended to many other medical requests.


Congo 6

Congo 2

During our testimony time a Congolese pastor said 99% of their pastors have received NO education (Biblical instruction.)  After his testimony I asked the rest the pastors if this could be true and they quickly said in unison, “YES”! They also said pastors have no biblical resources to help them shepherd their flocks. My heart was broken and I write now with a deep burden in my soul for them and many other shepherds in this region of the world. I have been pondering what Adoniram Judson, Missionary to Burma (1788 – 1850), once said and I pray that each day I will seek to spread the fame of King Jesus where there is famine of people worshiping Him with all their hearts, souls, minds, and strength! Thank you for your participation in this!

“A life once spent is irrevocable. It will remain to be contemplated through eternity… The same may be said of each day. When it is once past, it is gone forever. … How shall we then wish to see each day marked with usefulness! It is too late to mend the days that are past. The future is in our power. Let us, then, each morning, resolve to send the day into eternity in such a garb as we shall wish it to wear forever. And at night let us reflect that one more day is irrevocably gone, indelibly marked.” Adoniram Judson (Emphasis mine)

Laropi 3

At the retreat, along with teaching from Pastor Patrick, Zorah and me, the leaders received ESV Global Study Bibles and other solid biblical resources. Because of donated books through the Gospel Coalition International Outreach these Congolese pastors also received supplies in French and Swahili with their materials in English. The ESV Global Study Bible is a resource that pastors treasure and use. By the grace of God in and through us all we can take part in equipping pastors, thereby lowering that “99%” figure!  We now have funds for a little over 2,000 of the 5,000 ESV Global Study Bibles we hope to see in the container coming to Reaching Africa’s Unreached and which will be freely placed in the hands of church leaders in the West Nile region of Uganda, Southwestern South Sudan, and Northeastern D.R. Congo. Pray that we can reach the 5,000 number sooner rather than later as supplies are running low. Can you help us do that? More information can be found at our website ( ).

Global Study Bible

We have the best friends!

In Jesus’ Sovereign and Loving Grip,

Jacob (Carol) Lee

The greatest evil is having the gospel and not doing everything within our  power to get it to those who do not have it. May the Lord grant each of us His followers the wherewithal to be obedient disciples! JL

Tax deductible  charitable donations may  be made via PayPal.  PayPal also has a way to make reoccurring monthly gifts. To do so  please click their link below. PayPal deducts  a small amount from each gift as a processing fee. All gifts given through PayPal are now tax deductible as Reaching Africa’s Unreached has 501 c3 tax exempt status as a charitable organization.  If you wish to write a check you may write it out to R.A.U. and mail it to Lifegate Missions, 395 Lifegate Ln., Seguin Texas 78155

Banner 3

RAU Retreat Number 13 Coming Up


On this Monday, March 2nd,  we, at Reaching Africa’s Unreached, are very busy preparing for our 13th RAU Leaders’ Retreat. Eighteen men from the Northeastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo will be spending four days with us, for strengthening in the fundamentals of the faith. Our contact man in Maracha, Joseph, has helped to identify these men and organize their transport. The Lord has blessed us with key men such as Joseph in various places to work hand in hand with us. As Zorah packs the resource bags for the pastors I am acutely aware of our dwindling supplies of resources (most notably, the ESV Global Study Bibles) we freely give to pastors who attend the retreats. These resources also go with us on outreaches.

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,  that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”

 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Mack Stiles rightly states, “Missionaries become missionaries when they are about the business of making disciples.”  It is one of the most effective ways you can help us make disciples here in Northwestern Uganda (West Nile Region), Southwestern South Sudan, and Northeastern D.R. Congo! Most shepherds and teachers have no resources whatsoever! Would you pray about helping us place ESV Global Study Bibles into church leaders’ hands? Plans are set in motion. We just need men and women of God to walk this journey with us!

A RAU Leadership Retreat


It was February 2014 when the first container arrived on the  Reaching Africa’s Unreached (RAU) compound.  What an exciting day!  The container was filled with many things but, most importantly, with all the ESV Global Study Bibles and other books (especially from The Gospel Coalition International Outreach) for which we had been eagerly waiting.  These resources are the heart of RAU’s ministry.

RAU’s main purpose is to come alongside pastors and church leaders in order to strengthen and equip them so that they can “equip the saints for the work of ministry” (Ephesians 4:12).  [Many of the pastors in the West Nile region have not had the blessing  and benefit of attending Bible College or seminary and they are very eager to receive resources that will aid them in their work.] Our model is found in 2 Timothy 2:2 where the Apostle Paul exhorts Timothy to entrust to faithful men (who will also be able to teach others) what he has taught Timothy.  Everything is passed along.  In this way, the truth of the Gospel does not become a stagnant pond, but a life-giving, outward-flowing river of life.


Paul demonstrated this model in his own life when, as recorded in Acts 19:10 by Luke, he taught daily in the Hall of Tyrannus for two years, “so that all the residents of Asia heard the word of the Lord, both Jews and Greeks.”   Paul himself did not reach each resident of Asia, but those who heard Paul told others who told others.  This is the ministry fruit we hope for at Reaching Africa’s Unreached.  We want the Gospel and all the truths of the Bible to be that life-giving river making its way out to all the West Nile Region and beyond!

Resources given to pastors

You might wonder, given the beautiful cornucopia of languages that are spoken in this region, whether English Bibles and literature would even be helpful.  They are!  Because of the presence of the British in the late 1800’s and the first half of the 1900’s, English is widely spoken and is the language in which education is done in schools across the nation.  Therefore, many Ugandans as well as a good number of South Sudanese and even small numbers of Congolese  have a working knowledge of English and are able to benefit from the materials they are given.


The first container held 1100 ESV Global Study Bibles as well as thousands of  theologically sound books.  Each of our 13 pastors’ retreats has been an opportunity to give these resources out.  Pastors also come by for discussions almost on a daily basis so it is helpful to have resources to give them.   As we see the supply dwindling we are made aware of the need to replenish the supply so that no pastor will be turned away from receiving these books.  Most of the books we give cannot be bought in Africa.  Bibles are available, but Study Bibles are not…at least, not readily and at an affordable rate.  That is why this project of filling another container with mostly books is so urgent.


At this time, Crossway Publishers has offered a 70% discount on ESV Global Study Bibles if bought in bulk (5000).  Broken down, this comes to $10/Bible (including shipping) to have them delivered to Seguin Texas and placed in a container under the care of Lifegate (our home church), but we must buy in bulk to receive this rate. Usually, one ESV Global Study Bible costs close to $30 in a retail store.  The funds for purchasing the container and the shipment of it to RAU are available. All that is needed are the resources to be put in the container. Will you help? (Update March 2nd: We have $14,600 of the $50,000 needed for the 5,000 ESV Global Study Bibles )

Global Study Bible

The Gospel Coalition (TGC) International Outreach has once again given a large number books!  The Gospel Coalition International Outreach Theological:Famine Relief for the Global Church is doing an amazing ministry in providing resources where there is a famine of the Word of God and is worthy of financial and prayer support. Thank you  Gospel Coalition (TGC) International Outreach !

Another resource we would love to see coming in the container is the 9 Marks of Healthy Church  series.  This series describes nine characteristics which should be evident in every church that is seeking to live biblically.  It would be a wonderful resource to give to pastors.

9 Marks

Also helpful would be many copies of Wayne Grudem’s, “Bible Doctrine.”  For those for whom Bible College seems an impossibility, Bible Doctrine could be the next best thing and an effective tool in purifying pastors’ understanding  and application of the Word of God.


We already have 80,000 Gospel tracts printed by Literature Ministries International  which will be delivered to the container, sixty thousand of John Piper’s, Quest for Joy” in EnglishMa’di and Aringa (20,000 each) as well as 20,000 of Richard Bennett’s tract, What Every Catholic Should Know.”  We have found it helpful to include photographs  in the tracts that are taken locally to catch the eye of the reader and draw him in to the wonderful message within.  A tract is an effective means of outreach because, for one, people have very little to read and snatch up any reading material that is available, and, two, each tract will be passed along to a dozen or so other people. We just finished translation work of theQuest for Joy” in Lugabara and Kakwa. Layout and printing is in the works by the fine folks with Literature Ministries International.   It would be a great opportunity, especially while we have a container coming, to include these and greater numbers of each tract if anyone has the specific vision to provide for more. Each tract costs only 14 cents.


Cath 1

Since we have a container coming over, we have an item we would like to see included which is not a resource for pastors, but a help to the physical facilities here at RAU:  T-posts and barbed wire.  Termites are fierce around these parts and wooden posts are typically demolished within a year or so!  A clear and strong fence line is very important here to demarcate property as well as keep grazing animals out.

East fence line
25% of RAU's perimeter fence is complete. Posts and wire are needed for the remaining 75%
The West fence line has been set in place with materials which were in the first container. Posts and wire are needed for the remaining 75%

Please consider contributing towards these resources.  Every bit helps us reach our goal.  For example, Mrs. Falor’s elementary class at Lifegate Christian School has already jumped on board and has had two successful bake sales with proceeds going towards Bibles.  So far we have $1400 in that fund!  For the ESV Global Study Bibles, you may go to our donation page and follow the instructions for donating, making a special notation that the money is for Bibles.  If you want to give to any other item which we have listed please designate it, whether it be via PayPal or check.  We are trying to keep the contents very specific to these specific books and bibles as weight and space are at a premium.  When the funds have reached what is necessary to buy the Bibles/books we will place the order and have them delivered to Lifegate Seguin Texas. When the container is full it will be shipped to RAU. It will provide a safe, dry, and rodent free place to keep the literature.

You may mail or bring any of these items to:

Lifegate Ministries

395 Lifegate Lane

Seguin, TX, 78155

We are privileged to have the best partners in the Gospel and we appreciate your enthusiastic response to the requests we put out there.  Thanks so much for giving and going and praying and sending!

The RAU Guesthouse/Hall of Tyrannus March 2015

Hall of Tyrannus Sign

The greatest evil is having the gospel and not doing everything within our  power to get it to those who do not have it. May the Lord grant each of us His followers the wherewithal to be obedient disciples!

Jacob Lee 

Tax deductible  charitable donations may  be made via PayPal.  PayPal also has a way to make reoccurring monthly gifts. To do so  please click their link below. PayPal deducts  a small amount from each gift as a processing fee. All gifts given through PayPal are now tax deductible as Reaching Africa’s Unreached has 501 c3 tax exempt status as a charitable organization.  If you wish to write a check you may write it out to R.A.U. and mail it to Lifegate Missions, 395 Lifegate Ln., Seguin Texas 78155