Lyrics of the new anthem for a new nation, South Sudan Oyee!

Lyrics of the new anthem for a new nation, South Sudan Oyee!

“Oh God!

We praise and glorify you

For your grace upon Cush,

The land of great warriors

And origin of world’s civilization.

Oh Cush!

Arise, shine, raise your flag with the guiding star

And sing songs of freedom with joy,

For peace, liberty and justice

Shall forever more reign.

So Lord bless South Sudan!

Oh black warriors!

Let’s stand up in silence and respect,

Saluting millions of martyrs whose

Blood cemented our national foundation.

We vow to protect our nation.

Oh Eden!

Land of milk and honey and hard-working people,

Uphold us united in peace and harmony.

The Nile, valleys, forests and mountains

Shall be our sources of joy and pride.

So Lord bless South Sudan!”


See Story at:

Great interview with Sudanese Pastor

Thank you for your prayers on behalf of Sudan. The elections for the South’s separation from the North will continue throughout the week of January 9th. The vote will be ratified sometime in February so please continue in your intercessions that the Lord would be glorified in both North and South Sudan.

Early this morning I providentially came across a great interview of a South Sudanese pastor. It was done by African Inland Mission and was very encouraging! The segment “What happened after your church was bulldozed?” reveals how different the Lord ways are from ours when it comes to planting churches. Here is the link:

May the Lord use this video to encourage you in your intercessions for Sudan. May the Lord bless His people there and raise up many more Christ exalting churches to proclaim and live out the glorious gospel.

We, Reaching Africa’s Unreached, are the final negations for 15 acres right on the Sudan/ Uganda border. It is beautiful and rugged piece of property which would be ideal as a center of outreach to South Sudan, North Uganda, and Northeast D.R. Congo. Please continue in your prayers!

Propelled by God’s Sovereign and Loving Grace,

Jacob Lee

Video Link:

Scripture on the Great Commission

Scripture on the Great Commission

“The Lord Jesus Christ gave His church clear instructions after His resurrection and before He was taken up to heaven.

The Evangelistic Challenge: Mark 16:15-“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” and “Luke 24:47-“…that repentance and forgiveness of our sins should be proclaimed in His Name to all nations, beginning in Jerusalem.”

The Discipling Challenge: Matthew 28:19-20-“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

The Missiological Challenge: John 17:18-“As You sent Me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.” and John 20:21- “As the Father has sent Me, even so I am sending you.”

The Global Challenge: Acts 1:8- “You will receive power and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

This encompasses the task before us; it is vast in scope. John P. Jones wrote in 1912, “This enterprise is not only the greatest that the world has ever known; it is also the most difficult to achieve.” Yet, we believe that the Great Commission is not merely an ideal to aspire toward, but an achievable command given by the Lord. In each of the passages referenced above, the commissioning of the Church was accompanied by assurances of God’s power and authority and the very real presence of the Holy Spirit. The scale of the task before us is matched only by the greatness of the God who promises to accompany and empower us!”

Operation World: The Definitive Prayer Guide To Every Nation (7th Edition) p. 27

South Sudan Elections on January 9th-Please pray!

Dear Praying Friends,

This Sunday, January 9th, elections are being held in Southern Sudan. South Sudan will be voting on whether to secede from North Sudan. This is accordance with with the signing of the 2005 peace accord. This peace accord ended 23 years of civil war in which many, many southern Sudanese were killed and displaced.

South Sudan is dear to me as I have made numerous friends there during my ministry trips in 2007 and 2010. The short video below will serve you by giving you needed information. Most importantly it will touch your heart and Lord willing move you to intercede for the people of South Sudan, especially our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Pray for Carol and I as we seek to be vessels of Lord in North Uganda, South Sudan, and the Northeast D.R. Congo. We are still in the process of purchasing 15 acres +- in Uganda near the Sudan border as our center of outreach. There are many details which need to be approached with much wisdom.

Please keep praying and consider partnering with us financially in our move to join other believers to make Jesus known in word and deed in North Uganda, South Sudan, and Northeast D.R. Congo!

Video-South Sudan: An Enduring Struggle

Jacob Lee