Running the Race with Endurance

Reaching Africa’s Unreached Retreat Number Twenty
In the blink of an eye, two weeks have passed by and we find that our goal of updating you every two weeks is upon us and has almost passed us by!
We have had a blessed visit with Pastor Ron Zeiner Uvalde Texas.  The first retreat (Retreat #20) with the group of Aringa church leaders from Yumbe went very well and the attendees left with knowledge, refreshment, encouragement and…watermelon seeds!
During Ron’s first weekend with us Ron (right of Jacob) traveled to and preached in the remote village of Oku located deep in the Metu Mountains. Jacob looks quite winded as he had just recovered from his 9th bout of Malaria.
Ron did a wonderful job of using the story of Jonah to teach the group how to get the most out of Bible study, how to have a heart of love for the lost, how to be forgiving and how Jonah parallels the work of Jesus (except in the opposite sense of Jonah’s life and response to God).
Ron teaching from Jonah
Jacob, as always, administrated well, ensuring that each attendee had what they needed. He also taught on forgiveness and used each of his sessions to not only impart knowledge but to help the listeners understand sound principles of Bible study and interpretation.
Jacob’s introductory lesson on discipleship
In addition to the inspiring teachings, we had a superb team of servants who ensured that the physical needs of people were met.  Many thanks to Zorah, Nyombi Sam (Nurse), Samuel, Muhtar (John and Angela Howarton’s friend, and now ours, too!) and Lucy and her team of cooks and helpers.  This was one of the most relaxed retreats for me as everything went so smoothly and everyone carried the weight of responsibility equally without any prompting.
Now we are in the middle of our second retreat (Retreat #21) this year.  Our guests are from the hard-to-reach villages in the Metu Mountains which Tobious and his church have done a wonderful job in reaching and discipling them hand in hand with RAU.  We ended up with 26 leaders from Ayaa, Ijujo, Cinya, Lea, Oku, Gbari, Arapi, Duku, and Oyo. Of these nine villages only two, Ayaa and Ijujo, had churches two years ago. Praise God for how the gospel is spreading in these rugged and remote beautiful Metu Mountain villages!
Metu Mountain leaders filling their plates with delicious RAU home grown food
Pastors looking over some of their new resources
This retreat is only 3 days long instead of 4 as we have to leave Friday morning to get Ron back to Arua for his flight out to Entebbe and then back to the States.
Amazingly, though Ron was suffering with an infection, he remained steadfast in serving and teaching.  We were able to get him on antibiotics which have helped him to make slow but steady progress.  Thank you, Ron, for your love for the people of the West Nile region which inspires you to prioritize them in your travels and in the giving of your gift of teaching.  We heard through the grapevine that the teaching Ron gave a few years ago (the first time he came) is still having an impact on the attendees.
On Sunday, Jacob and I will have to travel to Kampala to get our work permits finalized.  Unfortunately, the process has changed so that we must physically be present to receive the permit in our passports.  Jacob is not excited about the drive there and back or taking on Kampala traffic, but “we gotta do what we gotta do“!!
When we return Jacob will kick his farming skills into high gear as he gets the fields ready for the next season of planting.  Right now the soybeans and rice are being harvested.  We have large garden areas which require constant weeding and attention.   On every front we are being kept busy and productive.
Removing the soybeans from their pods is very labor intensive
Soon we will also be receiving Delmar Hager and his two friends from Austin Texas for yet another retreat.  This retreat will be our last before we return to the US towards the end of August.  You will remember that Delmar has blessed many church leaders through his Kindle ministry.  It is through him that we have been able to distribute the numerous Kindles loaded with hundreds of helpful resources.
As Jacob and I prepare to return to the US our schedule has already filled up!  We have tried hard to see that we visit those of you we missed the last time (alternating visits with each subsequent trip).  Please do not be offended if we cannot make a special visit with you.  As old as Jacob and I are we have made very many friends and it is impossible to see everybody. We also want to spend some good quality time with our children, their spouses and our grandchildren.
If you are in the Seguin Texas area, Jacob and I will be sharing at our home church, Lifegate on the August 28th and that might be a great opportunity for you to hear from us in person.  Otherwise, we ask for your understanding. We have a few new churches in different parts of the country  who are interested in what RAU is doing and so this has required some extra traveling.  Also, it is a matter of great priority for us to see Jacob’s elderly Mom and Dad and other family members in Iowa as we haven’t seen them in a while.
Thank you – each and every one – who pray for and support us. Our special thanks to those monthly and frequent supporters. We recognize that your partnership with us keeps us doing what we are doing.  We also recognize that God has a plan and timeline for us which carries us along in His current.  Praise God for His indescribable mercy and grace which allows us to be a part of His Kingdom work!!!
Your help keeps us moving to reach the unreached!
It remains a major priority for us to get an intensive Bible School program going for more thorough training for church leaders.  If we want the Church of God in this region to be wise, strong and multiplying we must put the right tools in their hands and come alongside them in encouragement, support and prayerful discipleship. In line with that priority is the need to build a large classroom and study, dining and kitchen space for the people who attend.  We have already fixed up their living quarters. It will cost $25,000 to build and around $10,000 for start-up costs (library rearranged, desks, registration with the government and other things).  Please pray and consider giving to this project.
2 Tim 2 2 poster
Jacob’s ministry to Muslims in the West Nile (most especially Yumbe District) continues to be effective, especially with the printed material which he gives to each Imam or Sheikh who attends the dialogues.  There are several areas of cost in this ministry:  travel, printing handouts, providing food and also agricultural training with some inputs.  Please pray and consider participating in this ministry.
Also, we are amazed at the impact of our Agricultural discipleship on the community at large which cuts across denominations and religions.  We are seeing that RAU has the opportunity to very practically change the economic landscape of the West Nile region through our retreats and the Agricultural radio program through which Emma teaches a wide audience every Friday night. Please consider supporting the continuation of this important ministry as well.
Also, as you know, travel is expensive.  We would like to ask that if any of you who have frequent flyer miles with Delta or any Delta partners, consider donating miles to Jacob and me.  This will lower the cost of travel and allow us to use donated funds for other ministry related things.  Thanks!  Here is the link for donating Frequent Flyer Miles:
Delta Plane
Please email us if you are interested in donating miles as we will need to give you our Sky Miles information.
Blessings and we are looking forward with joy to seeing many of you in another month or so!
In Christ,
Carol (and Jacob) Lee


For those who have asked, small packages and letters may safely be sent to:

Jacob & Carol Lee, PO. 55, Moyo Uganda, East Africa

The greatest evil is having the gospel and not doing everything within our power to get it to those who do not have it. (Jacob Lee)

Tax deductible  charitable donations may  be made via PayPal.  PayPal also has a way to make reoccurringmonthly gifts. To do so  please click their link below. PayPal deducts  a small amount from each gift as a processing fee. All gifts given through PayPal are now tax deductible as Reaching Africa’s Unreached has 501 c3 tax exempt status as a charitable organization.  If you wish to write a check you may write it out to R.A.U. and mail it to Lifegate Missions, 395 Lifegate Ln., Seguin Texas 78155.

Open Doors


My Yumbe Imam, Sheikh, and Khard friends




In our last post one of the things Carol had asked for prayer for was another dialog with Imams and Sheikhs from Yumbe. It has happened and  I rejoice that the Lord was in our midst making Himself known through the proclamation of His Word and deeds of love. The short report below of our time together is for you that you too might rejoice with us.

Listening to the Word proclaimed
Thank you everyone who prayed for our day in Yumbe! It was a full and wonderful day. The Muslim leaders were very hospitable and good listeners. The Khards, Sheikhs, and Imams’ kindness is a testimony of good will between them and us.
It was bit hard to gather everyone for the picture so some friends are missing.

I greatly enjoyed the company of my Finnish brothers, Ilkka and Perrti, who added extra “spice” to the conversation. They had come up from Kampala. Even though I have only known them for a short while our bond is very strong and centered upon our mutual love for Jesus and His mission. Perrti is a life long missionary in East Africa, following in his father’s footstep. Ilkka, a former European boxing champion, trusted Jesus alone for salvation in 1970 (I, at nearly 61 y.o., was the youngster among the three of us). Ilkka too has been serving as a missionary based out Kampala but is returning to his church in Finland which has a vibrant ministry among Muslims.

Praying to the Lord of the harvest
Ilkka, Charles, and Perti
We all greatly enjoyed our time with our Muslim friends


I centered in on the point that Jesus is God and Ilkka spoke well on the love of God. We both spoke an hour and 15 minutes uninterrupted. Charles did an excellent job of interpreting for Perrti and me. Perrti translated Ilkka’s Finnish to English and then Charles translated it into Aringa. Zorah was, once again, our expert photographer.


Each leader received a New Testament in Aringa and a parallel Arabic-English one. They also received John Piper’s 50 Reasons Jesus Died on the Cross in Arabic, gospel tracts in English and Arabic, and printed copies of my booklet “Christian-Muslim Dialog” . The number of Muslim leaders in attendance pushed close to 100.
Parallel Arabic/English New Testament
Aringa New Testament
This Sheikh and new friend had spent 20 years in Saudi Arabia



Christian-Muslim Dialog
Various Booklets in Arabic, Aringa, and English


This was my 9th dialog with Yumbe District Imams and Sheikhs over a span of 13 months. The Lord is continuing to deepen our friendship and sincere conversations centered on the person of Jesus. The Lord is doing a great work in Yumbe among these dear ones. Please continue to pray for the Aringa that they will behold the beauty of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, ascension, and soon return…thank you!
Many thanks to all our financial supporters. Through your gifts we are able to be here and do the things mentioned in this newsletter along with other ministry which will echo to God’s glory throughout eternity. I would like to ask others to prayerfully consider giving to help us keep pushing forward.
However, it is our desire that any charitable gifts given to R.A.U. would not compromise what you are  ALREADY giving to your local church or to foreign missions. To get the gospel to the unreached will take sacrificial giving on the part of all God’s people. May we all walk faithfully in the spirit of 2 Corinthians 8 & 9 so that our Lord God is worshiped by men and women from every tongue , tribe, people, and nation! Truly, the time is ripe for radical generosity!
In the Grip of our Loving and Sovereign Lord,
Jacob (Carol) Lee



For those who have asked, small packages and letters may safely be sent to:

Jacob & Carol Lee, PO. 55, Moyo Uganda, East Africa

The greatest evil is having the gospel and not doing everything within our power to get it to those who do not have it. (Jacob Lee)

Tax deductible  charitable donations may  be made via PayPal.  PayPal also has a way to make reoccurring monthly gifts. To do so  please click their link below. PayPal deducts  a small amount from each gift as a processing fee. All gifts given through PayPal are now tax deductible as Reaching Africa’s Unreached has 501 c3 tax exempt status as a charitable organization.  If you wish to write a check you may write it out to R.A.U. and mail it to Lifegate Missions, 395 Lifegate Ln., Seguin Texas 78155.

Cause for Rejoicing by Carol


Jacob preaching in Moyo at the Muslim Open Air Meeting

It is a particular joy for me to write again by way of encouragement in answered requests and prayers.  Everyone who sows a seed wants to see it germinate and grow into a fruitful plant!


Answered prayer for Walter

Those who shed tears as they plant will shout for joy when they reap the harvest.”

Psalm 126:5

  • I am experiencing that great joy in letting you know that the money we requested for 17 year old Walter’s open heart surgery has come in!  Praise the Lord!  To God it is no harder to produce $12,000 than to produce $12, but to my meager faith it is much akin to the parting of the Red Sea!!  (A mega thanks to those who gave!)  The family is thrilled and relieved and is doing everything in their power to take the next steps toward traveling to India for the surgery. They had a family/community meeting on Sunday to gain support for tasks which need to be accomplished on this end. I will continue to update you on Walter’s progress.  You would love Walter…he has a sweet and humble heart.  I wonder what great thing the Lord has for him to do?!!
  • The brother who was experiencing hateful treatment and threats from neighbors because of his association with Jacob is now doing well and has the good will and protection of the local police though he had to flee for the night.  He is back home and able to carry on as usual. That situation has become peaceful.
  • The situation which was discouraging to us with regard to attacks on our ministry and personally against Jacob remains, but, as in every circumstance which is allowed by the Lord, it is producing good things in us, namely, self-examination, humility, prayer, organization and getting our “ducks in a row,” improvement as an NGO as we become more informed on non-profit NGO operations, trust in the plans that the Lord has for us (as opposed to relying on ourselves or feeling that accomplishment of plans is in the sole power of us or others).

images (1)

Last week, Jacob had an interesting experience here in Moyo.  As you know, it is the month of Ramadan for the Muslims.  Jacob was invited to share during a Muslim “open air” meeting.  It was clearly intended as a set-up for ridicule of Christians. Here is a Face book post I made describing the experience:

Well…these photos of Jacob’s experience at the Muslim open air “crusade” are from my perch and perspective…
It was an interesting event, to say the least. We found out that they brought in a “specialist” from Tanzania because they were concerned about the effect that the dialogues, which Jacob has been a part of, are having on the local population. (The Tanzanian is the one in the beautiful, blue garb taking a picture of Jacob speaking.) Thanks, Emma, for your translating skills.
We heard, later, that the Muslims convened a special meeting on Sunday to address the impact which Jacob has had as he shares in a respectful and thoughtful way.
The crowd was especially entertained and lively, repeatedly shouting, “Allahu Akbar!” as the Tanzanian effectively mimicked and “caricaturized” some showboating Christian preachers. Little did the crowd know that we could agree on much of their assessments of “preachers” who want to put on a show and make more of miracles than the One who can perform them or who make much of the gift, more so than the Giver.
I was proud of Jacob in his ability to remain calm, kind and respectful when the strong current around him was rough and volatile.
I wish that, as Christians, we could do better at respecting the image of God in others. How much more would others respect and be open to what we have to say if love and respect actually were apparent in our actions, attitudes and words?! After all, what condition were we in when Christ, in love, stepped away from glory to become like us, to live righteously on our behalf and die lovingly for us, His enemies?
“In a servant leadership culture we learn by choice or example that if we want to be great, we have to serve others respectfully.”
― Vern Dosch, Wired Differently
As I stood in the crowd, a Muslim gentleman approached me and shook my hand. He was obviously embarrassed at the tone of some of the speakers and he made every effort to welcome me and show respect. He was not proud of the way in which words were spoken.
People on every side of a given issue, conflict or idea can see that the way FORWARD is paid in the currency of respectfulness.”


Moyo Muslim Open Air Pictures3







Jacob had a very different experience a few days later as he traveled to Arua through Yumbe.  While in Yumbe he met with Charles and the Khard (in his office) where there were gathered for a meeting about 20 Sheikhs and Imams.  It was a friendly bantering back and forth about fasting and other things. Jacob dropped off some more Christian literature which the Khard keeps in his office for handing out.

Poster 2

We are looking so forward to seeing Ron Zeiner in a week.  It will be the beginning of another busy and fruitful ministry season.

This will be Ron’s Fourth Ministry trip to RAU…thank you Ron!

Our Agricultural Extension Ministry continues to do well.  Everything on the compound is growing beautifully and it looks like a lush paradise.  We have had several groups come by “just to look.”

The radio program is having lasting influence in many communities within hearing of the radio signal.  Last Friday, Emma moderated a group Veterinarians on his show as they discussed the care of and diseases related to livestock (cattle, goats and pigs).  Included on the panel was Dr. Thomas Graham, CEO of Veterinarians Without Borders (who is hosting several teams here in the Moyo area), Dr. Unzimai Vincent-District Veterinary Officer-Representative-Moyo, Dr. Oba Peter and Dr. Apanga Michael -NARO- Animal Scientists and Dr. Unzimai Vincent-District Veterinary Officer-Representative-Moyo. It is a privilege to join forces with all those who want to provide capacity building and income generating activities in this West Nile/Ma’di region.

Ministry is not confined to church and church affairs. As the motto of Covenant College, Jacob’s Graduate School alma mater, declares, “In all things, Christ pre-eminent,” the love and truth of God should extend into every aspect of life and experience and make their imprint on every endeavor.

image 3

Just confirmed today, Jacob will be joining our new friends from Finland, Pertti Soderland and Ilka Salminen, as they, together, will meet with 50 (+/-) Imams and Sheiks in Yumbe this coming Saturday.  Ilka has had some very profitable and ongoing dialogues with Muslims who live in Finland.  Jacob will bring them some more resources and all three will have time to share. Of course, the Imams will also have time to speak, making it a true dialog.


Please check out this wonderful story from The Gospel Coalition about a good friend Omar:

I am going to venture out this weekend! My friend, Helen, from the UK, who lives in Adjumani, has invited me to come and visit her there. I will travel there tomorrow (Friday) and then we will come back here to RAU where we will spend the rest of the weekend. Yippee! Looking forward to it in a big way!!

With my new friend Helen from the UK

Continue to keep the following events of the next month and a half on your prayer radar:

  • Ron Zeiner’s visit along with the 2 retreats which will be held during that time (and other ministry opportunities)
  • Visit of Delmar Hager (and friends) to RAU for a retreat (We have partnered since the beginning with Delmar to deliver his fully loaded Kindles into the hands of church leaders.
  • Our safety in travels, health and energy, and Godwardness and reliance on the Spirit’s power in all things.

Thank you for caring about what we’re doing.  Thank you for praying. (We pray for you all often as well!) Thank you for giving. You are a blessing to us all over on this side of the ocean. As the ministry grows, our needs – for prayer and financial support – grow as well.  Please continue to consider even a small monthly gift to help offset operational expenses.  Thanks so much!

In Christ,

Carol (Jacob) Lee




For those who have asked, small packages and letters may safely be sent to:

Jacob & Carol Lee, PO. 55, Moyo Uganda, East Africa

The greatest evil is having the gospel and not doing everything within our power to get it to those who do not have it. (Jacob Lee)

Tax deductible  charitable donations may  be made via PayPal.  PayPal also has a way to make reoccurring monthly gifts. To do so  please click their link below. PayPal deducts  a small amount from each gift as a processing fee. All gifts given through PayPal are now tax deductible as Reaching Africa’s Unreached has 501 c3 tax exempt status as a charitable organization.  If you wish to write a check you may write it out to R.A.U. and mail it to Lifegate Missions, 395 Lifegate Ln., Seguin Texas 78155.

Study Bibles given to all who attendant leadership training