Updates from the West Nile of Uganda

2 Tim 2 2 poster
Greetings from our beloved Uganda!

We are happily situated back at RAU!

We have hit the ground running, which is inevitable, because there has been so much to do just to get organized to do what we need to do. Our room was a jolly mess with cobwebs and dust from our  seven week absence. We had covered everything up with sheets, but, still, there was much to clean. Thankfully, we arrived earlier in the day  than expected  and had time to do all that, though we were tired from poor sleep and getting an early, early start.

The roads between Kampala and RAU are considerably better than they have ever been, with a good deal of them being paved to make our drive faster and less jolting. We arrived at RAU in a record time of 8 hours if you allow for a 30 minute delay where road work was taking place.
Most of the road from Kampala to just north of Gulu is now paved making our journey much much easier.

It is good to be back. It has a comfortable feel to be here. I got my keyboard, as many of  you have seen from Facebook. I am sooooooo happy with it! It has exceeded my expectations and I have already enjoyed it as well as I have been giving a few lessons to some of the guys who have been wanting to learn!

Jacob is off and running on his various projects and has already preached on a far reaching private local radio station. I have never seen anyone more motivated and visionary than he, nor anyone who makes the most of his opportunities than Jacob. May the Lord bless him with fruitfulness!

He has already met with Tobious and Charles. Jacob discussed possibilities for outreach into the Metu Mountains with Tobious to yet another remote village without a single church. He talked/planned with Charles concerning Yumbe.  Charles says that the County Khard (leader Yumbe Imams and Sheikhs) was extremely happy with some of the resources which we brought this time around and he and the other Sheikhs and Imams are eagerly awaiting the 4th dialogue with Jacob and Charles. One of the additional resources we have this time is Greg Gilbert’s excellent book, Who Is Jesus?, in both English and Arabic. Parallel English/Arabic Bibles were also brought back with us from Texas. Other discussions with Charles centered around evangelism and more intense discipleship training for Yumbe brethren.


Around the RAU compound Jacob and “the guys” are working hard to clear the land and prepare it to be tilled and planted with soybean in the first weeks of March.
RAU hats
We are in the midst of the election process here in Uganda.  Our most relied upon means of being in contact with our family and many of our friends has been Facebook, which has been blocked during election period to assist a peaceful outcome.  This has been a test of our patience and has made us see how much we rely on the internet to be and feel connected to the outside world.  Please pray for our beloved Uganda that the Lord’s will be done and that Uganda be made to prosper and develop in every way.  Especially pray that there will be no obstacles to hinder the work of the Gospel in this region.  However, even though there may be obstacles, we will do all within our power and through the strength of the Holy Spirit to move ahead with ministry plans.
Thank you for continuing to partner with us.  Thank you for investing in this ministry in terms of time, money, resources and prayer.  We continue on because you all are holding the rope which allows us to climb into the hole.” (William Carey)
Thanks, love and blessings to all!
Carol (and Jacob)

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ReachingAfricasUnreached

For those who have asked, small packages and letters may safely be sent to:

Jacob & Carol Lee, PO. 55, Moyo Uganda, East Africa

The greatest evil is having the gospel and not doing everything within our power to get it to those who do not have it. (Jacob Lee)

Tax deductible  charitable donations may  be made via PayPal.  PayPal also has a way to make reoccurring monthly gifts. To do so  please click their link below. PayPal deducts  a small amount from each gift as a processing fee. All gifts given through PayPal are now tax deductible as Reaching Africa’s Unreached has 501 c3 tax exempt status as a charitable organization.  If you wish to write a check you may write it out to R.A.U. and mail it to Lifegate Missions, 395 Lifegate Ln., Seguin Texas 78155.

Returning to R.A.U.

Enjoying chilly Chattanooga 
Our time in the States is fast drawing to a close.  We are feeling the tug of war in our hearts – sadness at leaving those we love behind and excitement at heading back to a country and people we love and a mission which captivates us and propels us forward.
We started off enjoying a beautiful Christmas celebration with our children, Joshua and Becca, Josiah, and Anna and Kenny as well as our dear grandchildren, Eliza, Ben, Vera and Keira (We have yet to meet sweet Nora who is due to make her appearance at the beginning of April).  Though we were trying to recuperate from a bouts of malaria, the Lord gave us a window of health and energy in which to enjoy our family. We were also reunited with our church family, Lifegate, and were refreshed as we worshiped the Lord with them on our first Sunday back.
Shortly after that, though, both Jacob and I hit a wall and were laid a bit low while continuing to recover from another bout of Malaria (and a UTI for me).  Jacob took a total of 4 treatments before he overcame the parasites which had invaded his bloodstream. We both recuperated and returned to “normal,” which was good because we began a rigorous schedule of travel.
We enjoyed a wonderful visit with our son, Josiah, in his new home in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where the order of the day was rest, enjoyable conversation and “hang out time” with our beloved son. While in Chattanooga we were also able to meet up with good friend, David Jones (who has made two visits to RAU, Uganda) and his Dad, Van Jones.
After a week in Chattanooga we flew to Stephenville where we spent some time with our daughter, Anna, and her husband, Kenny Danley and their daughter, Keira.  We have enjoyed our growing relationship with Rocky Point Baptist Church where Kenny and Anna attend and very much enjoyed the hospitality of some generous friends from Stephenville. Anna drove us back down to our home base in Seguin, Texas.
This trip to the USA has afforded us many blessings, among which are the visits we have made with our supporting churches: our own beloved Lifegate family, Amazing Grace Baptist Church, Rocky Point Baptist Church, Dayspring Fellowship, Bread of Life, Good Shepherd Evangelical, Gospel Life Church and Faith Lutheran. Jacob and I are fully aware of the great and rare gift of not only all our supporting churches but the myriads of individuals who give and pray, love and encourage and even visit us in Uganda!
Jacob sharing about the ministry of RAU with Bread of Life Church (Uvalde Texas) elders and wives.
Making visits to the States allows us to renew and strengthen relationships, be refreshed in many ways and make connections which will allow us to continue in our calling in Uganda.  We are also able to stock up on supplies which are either not available in Uganda or which might be expensive there.  We are always blessed to visit with Delmar Hager and his family who provide us with Kindle resources for pastors and leaders.
Jacob frequently emphasizes to retreat attendees and visitors that RAU is merely a conduit of grace to the people in the West Nile region.  We have nothing to offer them apart from what is provided by the love and grace of God through the intentional, loving and gospel-centered generosity of so many local churches and individuals.
As we fly out on Tuesday, February 9th for Uganda, we are returning with our faith and fervency bolstered and our eyes on the prize (Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith).  Thank you for your love, prayers and support! We thank the Lord for you all!
Continuing needs before Us:
*Prayers as Jacob and I travel back to R.A.U. 
* Funding for on going operational expenses, (e.g. 4 day retreats for church leaders at RAU, ministry outreach for discipleship, evangelism and church planting, Land Cruiser fuel and upkeep, etc.)
* Implementation of a three-month, intensive Bible School : Building of two Classrooms=$25,000 and $10,000 for start up costs.

*Continued funding for our Agricultural Training for pastors and our surrounding communities.


The Grace of the Lord Jesus be with you!
Carol (Jacob) Lee

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ReachingAfricasUnreached

For those who have asked, small packages and letters may safely be sent to:

Jacob & Carol Lee, PO. 55, Moyo Uganda, East Africa

Tax deductible  charitable donations may  be made via PayPal.  PayPal also has a way to make reoccurring monthly gifts. To do so  please click their link below. PayPal deducts  a small amount from each gift as a processing fee. All gifts given through PayPal are now tax deductible as Reaching Africa’s Unreached has 501 c3 tax exempt status as a charitable organization.  If you wish to write a check you may write it out to R.A.U. and mail it to Lifegate Missions, 395 Lifegate Ln., Seguin Texas 78155.