Pressing On!

bidi youth scripture union
Scripture Union Youth group in Bidi Bidi refugee settlement receiving Bibles
We have been back to Reaching Africa’s Unreached several weeks now. We are very grateful for all your prayers and loving support. As Carol stated in our last newsletter, we enjoyed our visit back in the states with family and friends along with the opportunity to be in a number of churches. We were greatly encouraged and refreshed. Our only regret is that we did not get to see more of you, as well as spend more time with those of you with whom we were only briefly able to talk.
We landed safely in Entebbe with all our luggage full of ministry supplies: 18 tubs and two suitcases along with our four carry on’s. We first spent several days in Entebbe and Kampala taking care of business things. The tubs headed north on the bus and we took the one hour 15 minute flight from Entebbe to Arua in our favorite puddle jumper. In Arua, our friend Eric met us and drove us on the four-hour drive to Reaching Africa’s Unreached. We left the land Cruiser parked at RAU. Our first shock  being back was the intense, dry heat. We had seemingly been cold the whole time in the States and now we were in 100+ degree heat with our bedroom staying in the high 80’s up until early morning.


Our major immediate push is to complete construction projects. It is looking like we will have the expansion of the Hall of Tyrannus completed this Monday or Tuesday. Our seating capacity will now easily accommodate 45, if need be.  We have trainings scheduled every month from May through December. The other on-campus building project is the mission house which, in effect, is a duplex and will hopefully be finished in mid April. We are believing and praying for like-minded, full time missionaries to join us. Please be praying with us for the connections we made while in the States which make us very hopeful that prayers are being answered.
The other project which is being worked on is the Aya Baptist permanent church structure. Through the love and faithful gift of donors the walls are up. The next phase will be the roof. Aya is the central location for Metu Mountain church plants on the south side. With a permanent site we will be able to host multi-day trainings there for churches in this area where the population of believers is growing rapidly. Discipleship is key and RAU is called to come alongside the local church in support. On the Northern side of the Metu Mountains we have other church plants for whom we wish to do the same. The Arapi/Gbari Community Church is where we want to build a more permanent structure so that it, too, can be the center of the new churches in that area for discipleship like Aya. The slab is there and we praying for the funds to complete the structure. The smaller Metu Mountain village churches now have or are close to having simple bamboo church structures with metal roofs. These are necessary for keeping the rain and sun off people’s heads. Also in Obongi, there is also a simple church structure with an iron sheet roof. These small churches were previously meeting under trees or under tarps.
We looking forward to seeing the four new wells (bore holes ) which were sunk in remote Metu Mountain villages while we were in the States. Now, because of the generous gifts of God’s people, nine bore holes have been drilled in the Metu Mountains and people are drinking from a clean water source for the first time. It is a great testimony of God’s love for them and they are all very appreciative. This year we hope to plant more churches in the Metu Mountains and drill more wells. Be praying for us in this!
On March 15th I made this post on Reaching Africa’s Facebook page:
 “One of my greatest joys is to be connected to men who have a passion to get God’s Word into some of the most challenging places. We had the joy of having Joshua Abraham and Absalah Kori with us for two days. Several times now, through them, we have been able to get  into the hands of church leaders Bibles and “loaded” Kindles in Darfur and Nuba Mountain states of the Republic of (North) Sudan as well as the nearby refugee encampments. Today we sent them off with 440 Bibles and 23 “loaded” Kindle Fires. Pray they all reach their destinations.”
 A big thank you to all Reaching Africa’s Unreached supporters! “
Joshua Abraham from Darfur on the left and Absalah Kori who is working in Nuba Mountains on the right
TODAY I am happy to report that Kindle Fires and ESV Global Study Bibles have made it into the Nuba Mountains to church leaders, to students from Darfur, and, via Joshua Abraham, NASB ,ESV Study Bibles, and Kindle Fires have made it to nearby refugee encampments to church leaders and Scripture Union Youth groups.
The Principal of Kush Theological College is holding a Kindle Fire in the picture below. He writes, “We thank God for wonderful blessing RAU is doing among the Nuba Mountains pastors.”
Principal of Kush Theological College
The Kindle Fires are loaded with both English and Arabic Bibles/resources as well the “Jesus” film in various appropriate languages.
I add my thanks and appreciation to “Study To Be Approved” , “Global Works” and the many friends and churches who are faithfully supporting Reaching Africa’s Unreached. Together we are getting the Word of God to some of the most difficult places in the world as well as strengthening local church leaders! Thank you!!
With Gratefulness,
Jacob and Carol Lee
RAU was recently registered with Amazon as a non-profit organization to which a percentage may be donated for every dollar you spend there.  Here is the link if you are interested:
For those who have asked, small packages and letters may safely be sent to:
Jacob & Carol Lee, PO. 55, Moyo Uganda, East Africa
The greatest evil is having the gospel and not doing everything within our power to get it to those who do not have it!
 When at least 35% of the world, “the unoccupied fields”, have no access to the gospel, we (believers) must all do all we can to reach them. We who are saved owe the gospel to every lost person, most especially the 2.4 billion who will not hear unless someone breaks into their “unoccupied field” with no thought of their own life!
 Sowing seeds of love and kindness should not be separated from preaching the gospel of sovereign grace but completely intertwined with it!
 I am sure that none of us will say when in heaven that we prayed too much, we sacrificed too much, proclaimed the gospel too much, and were too passionate to get the gospel to those who have little to no access to this gospel of grace. Let us together press on to make it our  ambition to preach the gospel where Christ has not been named!
 Jacob Lee
Tax deductible  charitable donations may  be made via PayPal or check.  PayPal also has a way to make reoccurring monthly gifts. Reoccurring monthly gifts are very helpful to the ministry. To do so, please click on the PayPal link below. PayPal deducts  a small amount from each gift as a processing fee. All gifts given through PayPal and by check are tax deductible as Reaching Africa’s Unreached has 501c3 tax exempt status as a charitable organization.  If you wish to write a check you may write it out to R.A.U.and mail it to Lifegate Missions, 395 Lifegate Ln., Seguin Texas 78155.