*Information on giving to Reaching Africa’s Unreached

Reaching Africa’s Unreached is located at the tip of the pen.

Vision and Goals

  • R.A.U.’s primary goal is to strengthen local churches and pastors so that they can plant churches in the many unreached villages of the region as well as the unreached tribal groups of the area. R.A.U.  will seek do this, Lord willing, by bringing pastors, church leaders and planters for Biblical training retreats and conferences for Biblical encouragement to the R.A.U. Guesthouse/Hall of Tyrannus.  Most pastors can only get away for short periods time. We believe this to be the most effective way for us to strengthen local churches and help be a part of planting churches  in the many unreached villages and tribal groups (See 2 Timothy 2:2; Acts 19:9-10). As of July 2022 RAU has hosted 39 such training retreats .
  • We also have working relationship hosting teaching teams with Forest Hill Presbyterian (PCA) Church Forest Hill, Maryland.Rocky Point Baptist Church Stephenville Texas  and teams with ABWE mission sending agency. RAU is in a partnership with ABWE. Carol and I (Jacob) are also Associate missionaries with ABWE. We have  tracks of church leaders/or future leaders (local leaders , South Sudanese leaders, and Republic of (North) Sudanese leaders) being taught in a module program.
  • RAU is actively working with local churches to plant churches in villages without a church. Since 2013 nine villages which had not a single church now have active and growing  congregations. many more villages need churches planted in them!
  • RAU is blessed to have key partnerships in its goal to distribute inspiring literature to leaders, pastors and future leaders!!! We thank God for ChristianBook International Outreach (CIO) and Crossway for their part in bringing much needed resources to this region. As of March 13th( 2024) we have 20,000 softcover ESV Bibles, , and on their way to RAU. We just recently received 1000 Story of Redemption Bibles , 500 ESV Church Pew Bibles, 500 Concise Study Bibles and a good number of hardback ESV Bibles. Along with all of these, we have received, through CIO, many thousands of good Christian books, specifically for church leaders. One of the means for RAU to walk out 2 Timothy 2:2 is by ensuring that every church leader has a Bible; if they can read English or Arabic, we do our best to put in their hands a good study Bible. By God’s grace, since 2013, RAU has received around 30,000 ESV Global Study Bibles, many Arabic Study Bibles and some local language Bibles. In much of Uganda, as well as among Sudanese, English is known and read because of educational systems whose primary learning mode is English. With these connections and the increasing demand for both Bibles and good Christian literature, we see the Lord setting us in a position to be a distribution center for resources. It has been estimated that our specific Sub-Saharan geographical location has one of the fastest growing numbers of believers in the world!  This calling is definitely God ordained! Any gifts given for this would be greatly appreciated!
  • Evangelism among the Aringa Muslims in nearby Yumbe District are ongoing. Dialogs with Aringa Imams and Sheikhs are being worked on. The Aringa are listed as an unreached people group with “Joshua Project“. Funds given for Arabic, Swahili Bibles,  Aringa New Testaments and Christian-Muslim apologetic material are much appreciated and needed.
  • The R.A.U. compound will also serve as a base of operations to have Biblical training conferences, evangelism,  medical outreaches as well as agricultural training throughout Northwestern Uganda (The West Nile Region),  South Sudan, and The Republic of (North) Sudan.
  • R.A.U. will also by God’s grace seek to minister to the physical needs of the region. Currently we are seeking funds for water wells in the remote nearby Metu Mountains where we are doing church planting. It cost $8000 for each well. The cost is a bit higher than previously because of inflation, Ugandan taxes and  the rough terrain in the Metu Mountains.
  • R.A.U. is working along with Missionary Agricultural Resource Services (M.A.R.S.) to equip pastors and their congregations through agricultural development strategies. During leadership retreats, one of the days of training includes one day of agricultural training, both in classroom and out in the field.  R.A.U. has implemented, in partnership with M.A.R.S.,  26-acre compound  as a demo plot for numerous agricultural projects for the community/church and community leaders and gives us opportunity to host many individual and groups from the community seeking to improve their agricultural skills.
  • Currently we are locating children in the area who have disabilities which can be corrected surgically. We are working with several hospitals  to help these children with special needs.
  • RAU welcomes specified gifts for certain projects or gifts for RAU co-workers.

Please pray with us for God’s provision in these endeavors!

Experience the History and Mission of Reaching Africa’s Unreached and and join us by partnering with us!

Carol and I first ministered in Uganda in 2006 and 2013 made  RAU our permanent home so that we can work alongside believers of this region to help train church leaders and facilitate other ministry opportunities…  “the harvest is great and the labors are few”. Our plan is to live here as long as the Lord ordains. We  welcome short term teams which would seek to come and share their God given gifts with people of the West Nile of Uganda, South Sudan, and Republic of Sudan.

Short video overviews of Reaching Africa’s Unreached Ministry may be found here.

R.A.U.  is grateful for all financial gifts! R.A.U. commits to faithfully use these gifts to extend Christ’s work primarily in Northwestern Uganda (also called the “West Nile“), and as able in Southwestern South Sudan, Northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo, The Republic of (North) Sudan and other regions  North.

It is our desire that any charitable gifts given to R.A.U. would not compromise what you are  ALREADY giving to your local church and/or to other cross cultural foreign missionaries .  To get the gospel to the unreached will take sacrificial giving on the part of all God’s people. May we all walk faithfully in the spirit of 2 Corinthians 8 & 9 so that our Lord God is worshiped by men and women from every tongue , tribe, people, and nation! Truly now is the time is ripe for radical generosity!

Tax deductible  charitable donations may  be made via PayPal.  PayPal also has a way to make reoccurring monthly gifts. To do so  please click the “Donate” link below. PayPal deducts  a small amount from each gift as a processing fee. All gifts given  are tax deductible as Reaching Africa’s Unreached has 501 c3 tax exempt status as a charitable organization.  If you wish to write a check you may write it out to: R.A.U. and mail it to Lifegate Missions/RAU, 395 Lifegate Ln., Seguin Texas 78155.

PayPal Link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=WAR99DL4JFWXQ

The greatest evil is having the gospel and not doing everything within our power to get it to those who do not have it!

When at least 35% of the world; “the unoccupied fields”, have no access to the gospel, we (believers) must all do all we can to reach them. We who are saved owe the gospel to every lost person, most especially the 2.4 billion who will not hear unless someone breaks into their “unoccupied field” with no thought of their own life!

Sowing seeds of love and kindness should not be separated from preaching the gospel of sovereign grace but completely intertwined with it!

I am sure that none of us will say when in heaven that we prayed too much, we sacrificed too much, proclaimed the gospel too much, and were too passionate to get the gospel to those who have little to no access to this gospel of grace. Let us together press on to make it our  ambition to preach the gospel where Christ has not been named!

 Jacob W. Lee

*If you have questions on charitable contributions or specific designation for your gift please email Jacob Lee at JacobLeeRAU@gmail.com

*“Saving souls can be likened to a man drowning in a deep well and a
volunteer can do nothing unless there are people who will hold the rope for him
to be lowered till he reaches the drowning man, and then pull them up to
safety… I will go to India as a volunteer to seek
sinners drowning in the well of Sin. But I can’t do it alone. I need rope

William Carey~ Father of Modern Missions


“This is the mission of God. Missionary martyrs going, financial martyrs sending; and all of us praying and working together, for the gospel and the glory of God to be known and enjoyed by all peoples.”  David Sitton


Please take a few minutes to read the godly and scriptural exhortations on money, generosity, and the Christian life in the articles below:

“How To Identify and Redeem Your ‘Money Matters’ ”  by Chad S. Hamilton

“Three Ways The Gospel Changes our Generosity” by J.D. Greear

“The Open Hands of the Gospel” by David Mathis

 “What’s the difference between living for the Kingdom and living for the American dream?” by John Piper

  “Live To Give” by Phillip Jensen

 “The False Promise of Financial Security”  by Jason A. Van Bemmel

Randy Alcorn on Money

“If I had to choose three words to be remembered by, I’d like to be remembered as a woman who is a: 1. God-chaser 2. Loves lavishly 3. Gives promiscuously” Janice Worth
More fresh thoughts and original illustrations from Gospel Patrons to help you step out, follow Jesus, risk big, attempt impossible things, make a difference in our generation, and live for eternity:


Randy Alcorn in his book “Money, Possessions, and Eternity” states:

“The reality of eternal rewards inevitably fosters an investment mentality. For instance, with $15,000 I may be able to buy a new car. With the same money, I could help translate the Scriptures for an unreached people group, support church planting, feed the hungry in the name of Christ, get gospel literature distributed in Southeast Asia, or send out multiple Nigerian or Indian missionary families, and support them full-time for a year. If I have an investment mentality, I ask myself, What’s the better investment for eternity?…Of course, it may be God’s will for me to buy a car. True, a car used for his purposes can also be an investment in the kingdom. But I must be careful not to rationalize. A used car or no car at all may serve his kingdom purposes equally well or far better—and allow me to make an investment in heaven that will never get scratched, dented, stolen, or totaled. And if I invest the money in his kingdom and ask him to provide a car at little or no expense, might he choose to do that? Why wouldn’t I give him the chance?”


                                            *Tim Keller in his book Ministries of Mercy states:
“Often books and speakers tell Christians that they should help the needy because they have so much. That is, of course, quite true. Common sense tells us that, if human beings are to live together on the planet, there should be a constant sharing of resources. So when the statistics are brought out to show Americans how much of the world’s resources we use, it creates (rightly) a sense of concern for those with less than ourselves.
But this approach is very limited in its motivating power. Ultimately it produces guilt. It says, “How selfish you are to eat steak and drive two cars when the rest of the world is starving!” This creates great emotional conflicts in the hearts of Christians who hear such arguing. We feel guilty, but all sorts of defense mechanisms are engaged. “Can I help it if I was born in this country? How will it really help anyone if I stop driving two cars? Don’t I have a right to enjoy the fruits of my labor?” Soon, with an anxious weariness, we turn away from books or speakers who simply make us feel guilty about the needy.
The Bible does not use the guilt-producing motivation, yet it powerfully argues for the ministry of mercy. In 2 Corinthians 8:2-3, Paul tells us that the Macedonian Christians gave generously to the Jerusalem famine victims. He notes that “out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity” (v. 2). The Macedonians were not of a higher social class than the needy in Jerusalem. They apparently were going through terrible trials of their own. What, then, was the dynamic that moved them to give? “Their overflowing joy . . .”  (v. 2)  and “they gave themselves first to the Lord” (v. 5). It was the Macedonian’s response to the self-emptying Lord. Their gifts were a response, not to a ratio of income levels, but to the gift of Christ!”
                                      Exhortations on giving from George Mueller:
  “Believers should seek more and more to enter into the grace and love of God, in giving His only-begotten Son, and into the grace and love of the Lord Jesus, in giving Himself in our room, in order that, constrained by love and gratitude, they may be increasingly led, to surrender their bodily and mental strength, their time, gifts, talents, property, position in life, rank, and all they have and are to the Lord.

By this I do not mean, that they should give up their business, trade, or profession, and become preachers to the Lord; nor do I mean that they should take all their money and give it to the first beggar who asks for it; but that they should hold all they have and are, for the Lord, not as owners, but as stewards, and be willing, at His bidding, to use for Him, part or all, they have. However short the believer may fall, nothing less than this should be his aim.”


“It is the Lord’s order, that, in whatever way He is pleased to make us His stewards, whether as to temporal or spiritual things, if we are indeed acting as stewards and not as owners, He will make us stewards over more.

Even in this life, and as to temporal things, the Lord is pleased to repay those, who act for Him as stewards, and who contribute to His work or to the poor, as He may be pleased to prosper them. But how much greater is the spiritual blessing we receive, both in this life and in the world to come, if constrained by the love of Christ, we act as God’s stewards, respecting that, with which He is pleased to entrust us!”


“Only fix even the smallest amount you purpose to give of your income, and give this regularly; and as God is pleased to increase your light and grace, and is pleased to prosper you more, so give more. If you neglect an habitual giving, a regular giving, a giving from principle and upon scriptural ground, and leave it only to feeling and impulse, or particular arousing circumstances, you will certainly be a loser.

“A merchant in the United States said in answer to inquiries relative to his mode of giving,

‘In consecrating my life anew to God, aware of the ensnaring influence of riches and the necessity of deciding on a plan of charity, before wealth should bias my judgment, I adopted the following system:

I decided to balance my accounts as nearly as I could every month, reserving such portion of profits as might appear adequate to cover probable losses, and to lay aside, by entry on a benevolent account, one tenth of the remaining profits, great or small, as a fund for benevolent expenditure, supporting myself and family on the remaining nine tenths. I further determined, that, if at any time my net profits, that is profits from which clerk-hire and store expenses had been deducted, should exceed five hundred dollars in a month, I would give 12 1/2 per cent.; if over seven hundred dollars, 15 per cent.; if over nine hundred dollars, 17 1/2 per cent.; if over thirteen hundred dollars, 22 1/2 per cent,– thus increasing the proportion of the whole as God should prosper me, until at fifteen hundred dollars I should give 25 per cent, or 375 dollars a month. As capital was of the utmost importance to my success in business, I decided not to increase the foregoing scale until I had acquired a certain capital, after which I would give one quarter of all net profits, great or small, and, on the acquisition of another certain amount of capital, I decided to give half, and, on acquiring what I determined would be a full sufficiency of capital, then to give the whole of my net profits.

It is now several years since I adopted this plan, and under it I have acquired a handsome capital, and have been prospered beyond my most sanguine expectations. Although constantly giving, I have never yet touched the bottom of my fund, and have repeatedly been surprised to find what large drafts it would bear. True, during some months, I have encountered a salutary trial of faith, when this rule has led me to lay by the tenth while the remainder proved inadequate to my support; but the tide has soon turned, and with gratitude I have recognized a heavenly hand more than making good all past deficiencies.'”

The following deeply interesting particulars are recorded in the memoir of Mr. Cobb, a Boston merchant. At the age of twenty-three, Mr. Cobb drew up and subscribed the following remarkable document:

“By the grace of God I will never be worth more than 50,000 dollars. By the grace of God I will give one fourth of the net profits of my business to charitable and religious uses. If I am ever worth 20,000 dollars I will give one half of my net profits; and if ever I am worth 30,000 dollars, I will give three fourths; and the whole after 50,000 dollars. So help me God, or give to a more faithful steward, and set me aside.”

“To this covenant,” says his memoir, “he adhered with conscientious fidelity.”

He distributed the profits of his business with an increasing ratio, from year to year, till he reached the point which he had fixed as a limit to his property, and then gave to the cause of God all the money which he earned. At one time, finding that his property had increased beyond 50,000 dollars, he at once devoted the surplus 7,500 dollars.

“On his death-bed he said,

‘by the grace of God– nothing else– by the grace of God I have been enabled, under the influence of these resolutions to give away more than 40,000 dollars. How good the Lord has been to me!'”

Mr. Cobb was also an active, humble, and devoted Christian, seeking the prosperity of feeble churches; laboring to promote the benevolent institutions of the day; punctual in his attendance at prayer meetings, and anxious to aid the inquiring sinner; watchful for the eternal interests of those under his charge; mild and amiable in his deportment; and, in the general tenor of his life and character an example of consistent piety.

His last sickness and death were peaceful, yea triumphant.

“It is a glorious thing,” said he, “to die. I have been active and busy in the world– I have enjoyed life as much as anyone– God has prospered me– I have everything to bind me here– I am happy in my family– I have property enough– but how small and mean does this world appear on a sick-bed! Nothing can equal my enjoyment in the near view of heaven. My hope in Christ is worth infinitely more than all other things. The blood of Christ– the blood of Christ– none but Christ! Oh! how thankful I feel that God has provided a way that I may look forward with joy to another world, through His dear Son.”

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