Some New Videos

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I hope you are well! It has been well over six weeks since our last report to you all on ministry events happening here at Reaching Africa’s Unreached (RAU). Carol and I are ever mindful of and grateful for your ongoing intercession and support. Truly…deeply!! 

Below is a short update via some new videos. We have pastors arriving today (May 13th) for the second half  (lessons 11-20, of the Helping Without Hurting in Africa) of a week-long module in RAU’s Hall of Tyrannus. Our primary mission is encapsulated in 2 Timothy 2:2

After this week we will give a report on the Hill Country Fellowship Church (HCF), Burnet, Texas ministry team which recently were with us for a wonderful week of ministry together in Yumbe, Biddi-biddi refugee resettlement camp and the Metu Mountains. There will also be updates which we will share with you on the expanded Bible/book resource center, the gospel radio station (which is to be located on the campus of RAU) and other ministry events.

 Below is a short video message on the banks of Metu Mountain stream  before 44 were baptized. PTL! 

It was a joy to have the HCF team along with us to witness this event.

Sometimes, when you are plodding along with “your nose to the grindstone” you don’t take the time to look back and see where you have been and the work that has been accomplished. Aaron Langworthy, along with some of his family, is laboring to join us here in the field. The Pryce family, too, is seeking to join us long term. On his recent visit to get a firsthand view of RAU’s activities in the West Nile region, Aaron made a fruitful effort to interview many of the people who are involved in RAU’s evangelism and discipleship ministry. The video which he edited has made us stop and take note of the many good things that the Lord is doing and of which we are grateful to be a part. Aaron did a wonderful overview of RAU’s mission and vision! This video is a little longer.  I pray you will take some time to watch “First Hand Accounts”. All your prayers are much appreciated!

Another short video which was done at the ABWE headquarters in Pennsylvania last summer:

Answering God’s Call to Missions as an Older Couple

Blessings and Prayers!

Jacob and Carol Lee

What we do now in the Lord and for Him will echo throughout eternity for His praise and honor….all else is dust in the wind!

“It is our conviction that the Gospel is the power of God for salvation” (Romans 1:16) and we have been entrusted to proclaim it passionately and rightly. Our dependence is upon the Holy Spirit for the power to preach, teach, live and endure all things for the sake of the elect. (1 Timothy 2:10). As Christians, we are called to lay down our lives so that the Gospel will be preached to all. As ones who are confident in God’s sovereignty and passionate for His glory we seek to reach the many that have never heard of the Savior and His work of reconciliation. We understand that this work cannot be accomplished in our own strength but only through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. The means He uses in His people are cross-centered living, sacrificial and loving service, Bible-soaked preaching/teaching, fervent intercessory prayer, and Christ-likeness.” (From Reaching Africa’s Unreached Mission & Vision Statement)

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Checks also may be written out to “RAU” and sent to our secretary Beth and she will deposit them into RAU’s account : Lifegate-RAU, 395 Lifegate Ln., Seguin, TX. 78155

Mission & Vision Statements:

Mercy Ministries:

Blog Posts:

RAU’s YouTube Videos:

RAU Donation Page : 

Our ABWE Personal Donation Page:

Our RAU/ABWE Uganda Ministry Operations/Projects Page:

RAU is in partnership with ABWE

Carol and I am grateful to be  Associate Missionaries with ABWE.

Video Interview: What does it mean to be an Associate Missionary with ABWE?