23,040 African Study Bibles

How would you like to help get 23,040 African Study Bibles to Reaching Africa’s Unreached ?

I have had the pleasure of engaging in numerous thought-provoking discussions with my dear friend Craig Stoll, who leads the dedicated team at Christianbook International Outreach (CIO). Our exchanges concerning the Africa Study Bible and Christian books for church in our part of the world have been both inspiring and enlightening.

I have the conviction, and I believe it is from the Lord, to bring two containers of Africa Study Bibles (ASB) to RAU for distribution in West Nile Uganda, South Sudan and the Republic of Sudan. They would be primarily for those who are in leadership so they can have a multiplying effect of maturity in the church. Our part of Africa has one of the fastest growing churches in the world.

Those of you who have been following Carol’s and my posts know that we are increasing our ability to be a resource center for Bibles and Christian books. Our vision extends beyond just distributing Bibles; we aim to establish a network to support leaders, provide ongoing training, and foster a culture of continuous learning and growth. The impact of providing these study Bibles and other resources goes beyond simple distribution – it empowers leaders to deepen their understanding of the Word, equipping them to guide and nurture their churches in a more profound way. Through this vision, we seek to create a ripple effect that reaches not only the immediate recipients but also future generations, contributing to the sustained growth and development of the church in our region, ultimately impacting the lives of countless individuals. Our partnership with organizations and individuals who share our vision is crucial in realizing this ambitious undertaking, and we are deeply grateful for the support and encouragement we have received thus far.

Current progress on increasing RAU’s resource center from two containers to four containers

Oasis, the publisher of the African Study Bible, together with Christianbook International Outreach (CIO), has made a heartfelt commitment to donate 1/3 of the cost to provide much-needed African Study Bibles. This extraordinary act of generosity will greatly help us impact those who would otherwise be unable to access these essential materials. We have taken on the vital task of raising the remaining 2/3 of the funds required for this initiative. This means that RAU needs to raise $186,832.00, equivalent to $8.16 for each African Study Bible, to ensure the success of the project and the delivery of the African Study Bible to leaders and new leaders God is raising up in local churches. This cost includes a special printing in India and shipping directly to Reaching Africa’s Unreached, $8.16 is an incredible price for one African Study Bible! These collective endeavors truly showcase the dedication to enhancing the accessibility and availability of the Word of God to communities in Africa.

“The printed page is a missionary that can go anywhere and do so at minimum cost. It enters closed lands and reaches all strata of society. It does not grow weary. It needs no furlough. It lives longer than any missionary. It never gets ill. It penetrates through the mind to the heart and conscience. It has and is producing results everywhere. It has often lain dormant yet retained its life and bloomed years later.” Missionary Samuel Marinus Zwemer 1867– 1952

Carol and I are looking forward to our upcoming visit to America, where we will wholeheartedly dedicate ourselves to praying, believing, and diligently working by God’s grace to raise the necessary funds for the shipment of these 23,040 ASB’s to RAU. It is a significant endeavor, one that we are committed to with unwavering faith and passion. Our goal is to engage with individuals and organizations, sharing our mission and the impact these African Study Bibles will have on the Ugandan, South Sudan, and the Republic of (North) Sudan church. We are grateful for the opportunity to be part of this noble cause, and with the support of local churches and kind-hearted Jesus loving individuals/families, we are confident that we will succeed in bringing 23,040 African Study Bible to our Ugandan and Sudanese brothers and sisters in Christ.

The Africa Study Bible has become my bible of choice for my personal reading and our future ministry because of its comprehensive and culturally relevant insights. Most people in our area are familiar with the English language due to the prevalence of English-medium education. However, it’s important to note that English is often a second, third, or even fourth language for many individuals. In light of this linguistic diversity, the clarity and accessibility of the New Living Translation (NLT) version make it particularly well-suited for our Ugandan and Sudanese brothers and sisters. The language used in the NLT version resonates with their daily communication and cultural nuances, enabling a deeper understanding and connection with the biblical teachings.

Here is a review of the Africa Study Bible from Lifeway Research: https://research.lifeway.com/…/africa-study-bible-book…/

Will you join us in this extraordinary vision? Will you be an enthusiastic advocate for us and engage with others about this incredible opportunity to introduce the African Study Bible primarily to the hands and hearts of church leaders in West Nile of Uganda, South Sudan, and the Republic of Sudan? We firmly believe that this endeavor has the power to profoundly impact the Ugandan and Sudanese church, equipping them with the essential resources to enrich their understanding and strengthen their connection to their faith. As an ambassador for the African Study Bible, you have the chance to play a pivotal role in strengthening local churches, maturing church leaders, and nurturing a sense of unity among the diverse church leaders in this region. Your endorsement and financial support would not only contribute to the widespread availability of the African Study Bible but also empower church leaders to effectively shepherd and guide their congregations, ultimately making a significant difference in the lives of countless individuals. Your passionate commitment to championing this cause will be crucial in ensuring that the African Study Bible reaches those who can truly benefit from its priceless insights and teachings.

*All donations to RAU are tax deductible. Your generosity helps us continue RAU’s mission as well as ABWE’s mission whom RAU partners with. To make a donation, simply visit our secure PayPal donation page at https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick…. Checks also may be written out to “RAU” and sent to our secretary, Beth, at Lifegate where she will deposit them into RAU’s account: Lifegate-RAU, 395 Lifegate Ln., Seguin, TX. 78155. Every little bit counts and will make a lasting impact on the rapidly growing church in Africa. Thank you for your support!

Praise and Prayer Requests

  • Praise the Lord for amazing partners in our gospel preaching, discipleship, and mercy ministry work–without which we could NOT do what we are doing. God is good and He is good THROUGH all of you who consider RAU among your priorities in prayer, financial partnership and encouragement and engagement. Case in point: We just finished upgrading RAU’s solar power system through a generous gift from Mission Projects Fellowship. In the video below you can see the improvements which have been made to our solar power system. We are far from the Uganda power grid system so solar is our primary means for electricity.
  • We are grateful to be able to be a part the ABWE East Africa conference in Cape Town, South Africa from June 24th-27th and to get to know other missionaries from our region. We are thankful for Caleb and Alair Mitchel who took the lead in organizing what we expect to be a great time of encouragement.
  • Praise the Lord for our partnership with ABWE! Carol and I are ABWE associate missionaries, while remaining RAU missionaries. We saw this as God’s leading to carry on the mission/vision of Reaching Africa’s Unreached. Please continue in prayer for the Langworthy and Pryce families as they raise support to come alongside the work as long term missionaries. Please watch the video that Aaron Langworthy made when he was here a couple months back with the ABWE Roots of Faith team. It covers well many aspects of RAU’s ministry. ABWE also did some video short clips with Carol and me, Supporting Local Ugandan Churchesand “Answering God’s Call to Missions as an Older Couple”.
  • Please pray that walls of resistance would be broken down so that we can get a powerful, gospel-centered, Christ-exalting FM radio station established at RAU!
  • Lastly, please pray for our visit to America this summer. From Cape Town we will head to Texas. We look forward to seeing family, friends, being in our home sending church, Lifegate, and visiting supporting churches/friends during our USA visit. Lord willing we will make new friends and be in a couple of new churches (for us) that have a heart for missions in our area of the world.
Ministry Video we are showing in churches and small groups during our visit to America. Please free to share it as well as this blog post with mission minded friends. Thank you

Blessings, Prayers, and Appreciation!

Carol and Jacob Lee


What we do now in the Lord and for Him will echo throughout eternity for His praise and honor….all else is dust in the wind!

All donations are tax deductible–> https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=WAR99DL4JFWXQ&ssrt=1702909444355

“It is our conviction that the Gospel is the power of God for salvation” (Romans 1:16) and we have been entrusted to proclaim it passionately and rightly. Our dependence is upon the Holy Spirit for the power to preach, teach, live and endure all things for the sake of the elect. (1 Timothy 2:10). As Christians, we are called to lay down our lives so that the Gospel will be preached to all. As ones who are confident in God’s sovereignty and passionate for His glory we seek to reach the many that have never heard of the Savior and His work of reconciliation. We understand that this work cannot be accomplished in our own strength but only through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. The means He uses in His people are cross-centered living, sacrificial and loving service, Bible-soaked preaching/teaching, fervent intercessory prayer, and Christ-likeness.” (From Reaching Africa’s Unreached Mission & Vision Statement)

Checks also may be written out to “RAU” and sent to our secretary Beth and she will deposit them into RAU’s account : Lifegate-RAU, 395 Lifegate Ln., Seguin, TX. 78155

Mission & Vision Statements: https://reachingafricasunreached.org/about/

Mercy Ministries: https://reachingafricasunreached.org/agriculture-project/

Blog Posts: www.ReachingAfricasUnreached.org

RAU’s YouTube Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRmHafoBSemE7jS8kEHCG6Q/videos

RAU Donation Page : https://reachingafricasunreached.org/donations/ 

Our ABWE Personal Donation Page: https://give.abwe.org/worker/2125

Our RAU/ABWE Uganda Ministry Operations/Projects Page: https://give.abwe.org/projects/rau-uganda-short-term-teams

RAU is in partnership with ABWE

Carol and I am grateful to be  Associate Missionaries with ABWE.

Video Interview: What does it mean to be an Associate Missionary with