23,040 African Study Bibles

How would you like to help get 23,040 African Study Bibles to Reaching Africa’s Unreached ?

I have had the pleasure of engaging in numerous thought-provoking discussions with my dear friend Craig Stoll, who leads the dedicated team at Christianbook International Outreach (CIO). Our exchanges concerning the Africa Study Bible and Christian books for church in our part of the world have been both inspiring and enlightening.

I have the conviction, and I believe it is from the Lord, to bring two containers of Africa Study Bibles (ASB) to RAU for distribution in West Nile Uganda, South Sudan and the Republic of Sudan. They would be primarily for those who are in leadership so they can have a multiplying effect of maturity in the church. Our part of Africa has one of the fastest growing churches in the world.

Those of you who have been following Carol’s and my posts know that we are increasing our ability to be a resource center for Bibles and Christian books. Our vision extends beyond just distributing Bibles; we aim to establish a network to support leaders, provide ongoing training, and foster a culture of continuous learning and growth. The impact of providing these study Bibles and other resources goes beyond simple distribution – it empowers leaders to deepen their understanding of the Word, equipping them to guide and nurture their churches in a more profound way. Through this vision, we seek to create a ripple effect that reaches not only the immediate recipients but also future generations, contributing to the sustained growth and development of the church in our region, ultimately impacting the lives of countless individuals. Our partnership with organizations and individuals who share our vision is crucial in realizing this ambitious undertaking, and we are deeply grateful for the support and encouragement we have received thus far.

Current progress on increasing RAU’s resource center from two containers to four containers

Oasis, the publisher of the African Study Bible, together with Christianbook International Outreach (CIO), has made a heartfelt commitment to donate 1/3 of the cost to provide much-needed African Study Bibles. This extraordinary act of generosity will greatly help us impact those who would otherwise be unable to access these essential materials. We have taken on the vital task of raising the remaining 2/3 of the funds required for this initiative. This means that RAU needs to raise $186,832.00, equivalent to $8.16 for each African Study Bible, to ensure the success of the project and the delivery of the African Study Bible to leaders and new leaders God is raising up in local churches. This cost includes a special printing in India and shipping directly to Reaching Africa’s Unreached, $8.16 is an incredible price for one African Study Bible! These collective endeavors truly showcase the dedication to enhancing the accessibility and availability of the Word of God to communities in Africa.

“The printed page is a missionary that can go anywhere and do so at minimum cost. It enters closed lands and reaches all strata of society. It does not grow weary. It needs no furlough. It lives longer than any missionary. It never gets ill. It penetrates through the mind to the heart and conscience. It has and is producing results everywhere. It has often lain dormant yet retained its life and bloomed years later.” Missionary Samuel Marinus Zwemer 1867– 1952

Carol and I are looking forward to our upcoming visit to America, where we will wholeheartedly dedicate ourselves to praying, believing, and diligently working by God’s grace to raise the necessary funds for the shipment of these 23,040 ASB’s to RAU. It is a significant endeavor, one that we are committed to with unwavering faith and passion. Our goal is to engage with individuals and organizations, sharing our mission and the impact these African Study Bibles will have on the Ugandan, South Sudan, and the Republic of (North) Sudan church. We are grateful for the opportunity to be part of this noble cause, and with the support of local churches and kind-hearted Jesus loving individuals/families, we are confident that we will succeed in bringing 23,040 African Study Bible to our Ugandan and Sudanese brothers and sisters in Christ.

The Africa Study Bible has become my bible of choice for my personal reading and our future ministry because of its comprehensive and culturally relevant insights. Most people in our area are familiar with the English language due to the prevalence of English-medium education. However, it’s important to note that English is often a second, third, or even fourth language for many individuals. In light of this linguistic diversity, the clarity and accessibility of the New Living Translation (NLT) version make it particularly well-suited for our Ugandan and Sudanese brothers and sisters. The language used in the NLT version resonates with their daily communication and cultural nuances, enabling a deeper understanding and connection with the biblical teachings.

Here is a review of the Africa Study Bible from Lifeway Research: https://research.lifeway.com/…/africa-study-bible-book…/

Will you join us in this extraordinary vision? Will you be an enthusiastic advocate for us and engage with others about this incredible opportunity to introduce the African Study Bible primarily to the hands and hearts of church leaders in West Nile of Uganda, South Sudan, and the Republic of Sudan? We firmly believe that this endeavor has the power to profoundly impact the Ugandan and Sudanese church, equipping them with the essential resources to enrich their understanding and strengthen their connection to their faith. As an ambassador for the African Study Bible, you have the chance to play a pivotal role in strengthening local churches, maturing church leaders, and nurturing a sense of unity among the diverse church leaders in this region. Your endorsement and financial support would not only contribute to the widespread availability of the African Study Bible but also empower church leaders to effectively shepherd and guide their congregations, ultimately making a significant difference in the lives of countless individuals. Your passionate commitment to championing this cause will be crucial in ensuring that the African Study Bible reaches those who can truly benefit from its priceless insights and teachings.

*All donations to RAU are tax deductible. Your generosity helps us continue RAU’s mission as well as ABWE’s mission whom RAU partners with. To make a donation, simply visit our secure PayPal donation page at https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick…. Checks also may be written out to “RAU” and sent to our secretary, Beth, at Lifegate where she will deposit them into RAU’s account: Lifegate-RAU, 395 Lifegate Ln., Seguin, TX. 78155. Every little bit counts and will make a lasting impact on the rapidly growing church in Africa. Thank you for your support!

Praise and Prayer Requests

  • Praise the Lord for amazing partners in our gospel preaching, discipleship, and mercy ministry work–without which we could NOT do what we are doing. God is good and He is good THROUGH all of you who consider RAU among your priorities in prayer, financial partnership and encouragement and engagement. Case in point: We just finished upgrading RAU’s solar power system through a generous gift from Mission Projects Fellowship. In the video below you can see the improvements which have been made to our solar power system. We are far from the Uganda power grid system so solar is our primary means for electricity.
  • We are grateful to be able to be a part the ABWE East Africa conference in Cape Town, South Africa from June 24th-27th and to get to know other missionaries from our region. We are thankful for Caleb and Alair Mitchel who took the lead in organizing what we expect to be a great time of encouragement.
  • Praise the Lord for our partnership with ABWE! Carol and I are ABWE associate missionaries, while remaining RAU missionaries. We saw this as God’s leading to carry on the mission/vision of Reaching Africa’s Unreached. Please continue in prayer for the Langworthy and Pryce families as they raise support to come alongside the work as long term missionaries. Please watch the video that Aaron Langworthy made when he was here a couple months back with the ABWE Roots of Faith team. It covers well many aspects of RAU’s ministry. ABWE also did some video short clips with Carol and me, Supporting Local Ugandan Churchesand “Answering God’s Call to Missions as an Older Couple”.
  • Please pray that walls of resistance would be broken down so that we can get a powerful, gospel-centered, Christ-exalting FM radio station established at RAU!
  • Lastly, please pray for our visit to America this summer. From Cape Town we will head to Texas. We look forward to seeing family, friends, being in our home sending church, Lifegate, and visiting supporting churches/friends during our USA visit. Lord willing we will make new friends and be in a couple of new churches (for us) that have a heart for missions in our area of the world.
Ministry Video we are showing in churches and small groups during our visit to America. Please free to share it as well as this blog post with mission minded friends. Thank you

Blessings, Prayers, and Appreciation!

Carol and Jacob Lee


What we do now in the Lord and for Him will echo throughout eternity for His praise and honor….all else is dust in the wind!

All donations are tax deductible–> https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=WAR99DL4JFWXQ&ssrt=1702909444355

“It is our conviction that the Gospel is the power of God for salvation” (Romans 1:16) and we have been entrusted to proclaim it passionately and rightly. Our dependence is upon the Holy Spirit for the power to preach, teach, live and endure all things for the sake of the elect. (1 Timothy 2:10). As Christians, we are called to lay down our lives so that the Gospel will be preached to all. As ones who are confident in God’s sovereignty and passionate for His glory we seek to reach the many that have never heard of the Savior and His work of reconciliation. We understand that this work cannot be accomplished in our own strength but only through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. The means He uses in His people are cross-centered living, sacrificial and loving service, Bible-soaked preaching/teaching, fervent intercessory prayer, and Christ-likeness.” (From Reaching Africa’s Unreached Mission & Vision Statement)

Checks also may be written out to “RAU” and sent to our secretary Beth and she will deposit them into RAU’s account : Lifegate-RAU, 395 Lifegate Ln., Seguin, TX. 78155

Mission & Vision Statements: https://reachingafricasunreached.org/about/

Mercy Ministries: https://reachingafricasunreached.org/agriculture-project/

Blog Posts: www.ReachingAfricasUnreached.org

RAU’s YouTube Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRmHafoBSemE7jS8kEHCG6Q/videos

RAU Donation Page : https://reachingafricasunreached.org/donations/ 

Our ABWE Personal Donation Page: https://give.abwe.org/worker/2125

Our RAU/ABWE Uganda Ministry Operations/Projects Page: https://give.abwe.org/projects/rau-uganda-short-term-teams

RAU is in partnership with ABWE

Carol and I am grateful to be  Associate Missionaries with ABWE.

Video Interview: What does it mean to be an Associate Missionary with

The What and the Why of Remembering and Recounting

The What and the Why of Remembering and Recounting” by Carol Lee

The What:

“I will recount the steadfast love of the LORD, the praises of the LORD,
according to all that the LORD has granted us…” (Psalm 63: 7a)

The Uganda Crested Crane in our back field.

The Why

“All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the LORD,
and all the families of the nations shall worship before you.
For kingship belongs to the LORD, and he rules over the nations.” (Psalms 22:27-28)

Time seems to be passing at lightening speed. Days are blurring together with activities. Deadlines are approaching. Changes are looming, as always. In the midst of this “crazy busy”, if we do not stop to remember and recount WHAT the Lord has done or is doing and WHY we keep doing what we are doing, it can all feel a bit overwhelming and, at times, frustrating; but remembering and recounting fans to flame our love for the Lord and our desire to be a part of His Big Story. It really is about Him and the glory He receives in the good things He does. Lately, I have meditated a lot on the beauty of our triune God and the excellencies of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That EVERYONE could taste and see that the Lord is good–that is the fuel for our work–WORSHIP!

Let me remember and recount!!


Faithful Brothers and Sisters in the Mission

On April 2nd, we were happy to receive Eli Fader, a faithful teacher, mentor, and missionary from the Adjumani area across the Nile River, along with a group of faithful men Eli has been working alongside, and training in theological studies (Theological Education by Extension or TEE). What a joy to know that others also carry the weight of what burdens our hearts. Jacob ‘s hope was to inspire the men with RAU’s theme verse, 2 Timothy 2:2, and to urge them to be faithful men who, in turn, teach other faithful ones. Each participant received precious resources in books, Bibles and tracts. Mostly, it was a day for learning about grafted mangoes, from grafting seedlings to properly spacing and planting them and to the care of the growing trees (protecting the young trees from goats and other animals, monitoring for diseases and controlling the dreaded fruit flies which ruin the good money-making fruit of grafted mango trees). It has always been the desire and goal of RAU to inspire local community members and leaders to take up farming as a business so that their lives can be improved with sustainable income in addition to encouraging them in their spiritual growth. We praise God for Eli and Bethany Fader who have labored well in the harvest fields, both in South Sudan and Uganda and we are grateful to be able to link with them in a small way.


Faithful Partners in Ministry With a Passion to Extend The Kingdom of Christ

On April 26th, we received a team from Hill Country Fellowship (HCF) in Burnet, Texas (Scott [lead pastor], Jeremy, [Missions pastor], Don, Mike, Grayson, Jessup, T.D., and Margaret). Their desire in making the journey was to “come and see“, to discern the areas of need, to know how they, as a church, could come alongside the mission of RAU in the future, and to express the love of Christ to the people RAU is serving. To THAT end, Jacob filled every day of their visit TO THE BRIM AND OVERFLOWING with ministry events and visits–into the Metu Mountains (Arapi/Gbari side and Ayaa side), Yumbe District and the refugee settlement. No time for weary travelers to rest on this trip!!

The team arrived on Wednesday (26th) and immediately, on Thursday morning (27th), we headed for an over-nighter in two vehicles to Yumbe District (Judith Wollmershaeuser, with German NGO, Coworkers, drove her AIR-CONDITIONED truck, allowing all four of us ladies to travel in greater comfort on the bumpy, dusty road to Yumbe)! The guys toughed it out in the Land Cruiser. At St. Peter’s Church of Uganda at Eleke in Yumbe District, we were greeted by our dear friend, Onduga Charles, and leaders of the church in the parish. Scott and Jeremy brought encouragement through teaching to those who had gathered and four of the team members gave a short message as well.

After a late lunch, we headed to a local guesthouse/hotel (at which we would spend the night) to unload our belongings and check-in. From there we traveled to Kulikulinga, a more remote town, to set up sound equipment and situate the Land Cruiser (LC) for the Jesus Film which would be shown after dark. Before the film, though, we all scattered throughout the town with brothers and sisters from Pilgrim’s Church and other nearby churches in Yumbe District who could help translate conversations with local community members in the Kulikulinga market area. Many one-on-one conversations were initiated and gospel tracts shared (dual language, Aringa/English). Our friend, Onduga Charles, told us later that 2 Muslims responded and by the end of the evening did, indeed, profess faith in Christ as Savior after long discussions were had. As the sun began to go down. Scott, Jeremy, and Jacob each took a turn preaching with great enthusiasm from the rack of the Land Cruiser. A large crowd gathered around the Land Cruiser and across the road.

Following the preaching and after a little trouble, the screen for the Jesus Film was fixed on the LC. In the process of trying to get the movie projector to work with the sound system, a huge gust of wind came through and knocked down the screen, breaking one of the components. We had to laugh that many Muslims in the crowd were jubilatingthat Allah had thwarted our attempts“. With just a bit of effort, though, the team was able to prop the screen up against a building after which the film was shown without problem. The visibility of the screen (which can allow people on either side to watch ) was diminished by not being on top of the LC, but many hundreds pressed in to watch–sitting and standing. What a joy to show them a movie in their own Aringa language–and how much better, even, that it was about the life and saving ministry of Jesus Christ as told in the Gospel of Luke.

We came back to the Hotel to eat a very late buffet supper prepared by the kitchen staff and squeezed in as much sleep as possible. The next morning, Omar (a former Sheikh who became a follower of Jesus) and his family joined us for breakfast, after which he shared his story of coming to faith in Christ and living faithfully amidst persecution. We headed into town to meet the District Kadhi, Sheikh Swahib in his office next to the mosque followed by a visit to the homes of Sheikh Ayile and Sheikh Adnan. At Ayile’s home, Judith, our German friend and nutritionist, spent a considerable amount of time providing Diabetic education and recommendations. Each Sheikh also received an Aringa New Testament, Good Soil’s “Message of Hope” in English and Aringa, Christian books, and a grafted mango from Jacob and instructions on how to plant it and care for it. At the end of that visit we were also able to pray for and help a young child receive medical treatment who was suffering from a respiratory infection and failing to thrive. What a privilege to represent the Lord Jesus Christ and His love for the Aringa people in action and in truth!! The team prayed in each home. We returned to RAU as timely as possible Friday afternoon to allow the HCF team to recuperate before the rest of their adventures in the Metu Mountains, Saturday through the following Tuesday.

Saturday early, we headed to the Metu mountains–the northern range–to visit the Aya Baptist church plants (Arapi/Gbari, Oyo and Duku). This visit included a lot of walking. Needless to say (though I say it anyway!!) after this day the team was weary, both from physical exertion and sleep deprivation! You would never have known it by their energetic participation in ministry. On Sunday we returned to Arapi/Gbari for a Metu Mountain Baptism (people from the 9 church plants from the northern and southern parts of the mountains). After Sunday prayers everyone walked down the steep hill from the church to the stream in the valley. Just the day before, the stream was perfectly clear and manageable, but an overnight downpour completely muddied the stream and raised the water level. At first it appeared that having a baptism might be difficult, but after Pastor Bakayi Simon braved the murky waters others also joined in and soon the celebration of 44 baptisms was underway.

On Monday, we took a completely different direction–to Bidi Bidi Refugee settlement to visit our friend and co-worker, Joshua Abraham (originally from Darfur, Sudan) and the brothers and sisters he had gathered together for introduction and encouragement. We can easily take for granted the presumed certainty and plodding nature of our lives when systems are stable and supply is sufficient, but imagine trying to be productive and faithful in a country to which you have fled for safety without the promise of a regular job and source of income and support of family and friends? Faithfulness under the latter is what has impressed us the most about Joshua and the other Christians who lead and serve under such conditions. We were privileged to hear their stories, to pray for them, and to break bread together with them.

Tuesday, the last thrust of ministry exploration for the team, was THE MOST strenuous and involved a hike into “Pristine” (which is our nickname for Oku and Lea, aka “the ends of the earth“). By this time, Margaret and TD and I had decided against another rough “white knuckle mission adventure” in favor of staying at RAU and then taking a boda into Moyo town. The rest of the team (including Judith) geared up for the day. It was every bit as strenuous as we had warned them it would be. There was a concern that “one of them” (who shall remain nameless) might not make it back up the hill BUT, indeed, everyone made it safely. [Thanks to Judith Wollmershaeuser for the photos from that day!]

One of the greatest benefits of receiving short term ministry teams is that connections are formed with the global church. We discern the Body of Christ made one through the work of the Holy Spirit and united around the world. It enlarges our view of God and the awesome work He is doing and it allows us to participate in what He is doing. Jacob and I are grateful for that vision which Scott and Jeremy so effectively communicate to their church members in their example and in their priorities for the church. Let Jesus’ Commission be our mission as we ALL work together toward seeing a representation of every tribe, tongue, people and nation among God’s people. This is the WHY of WHAT we are doing!!


Faithful Ministries Working Toward the Same Goal

Last year, RAU held the first 10 lessons of “Helping Without Hurting in Africa”. During May 5-10 of this year, we finished the 2nd half (11-20) with a slightly smaller group of people. I love the premise and training objective of this book written by a Ugandan Economist (Jonny Kabiswa Kyazze) and a missionary to East Africa (Anthony Sytsma): “to transform the mind-sets of Christian leaders in Africa and equip them to wisely help materially poor people in their churches and communities…As Nelson Mandela, a former president of South Africa, said: “One of the most difficult things is not to change society but to change yourself.” Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan activist quoted within the book, says: “They [Africans] must believe in themselves again; that they are capable of clearing their own path and forging their own identity; that they have a right to be governed with justice, accountability, and transparency; that they can honour and practice their cultures and make them relevant to today’s needs; and that they no longer need to be indebted–financially, intellectually, and spiritually–to those who once governed them. They must rise up and walk….

The above quotes from the book aptly express RAU’s commitment to working together with local churches and other ministries in seeing this happen in our area of Uganda and beyond. To that end, RAU has made an effort, through educational opportunity, hands-on training, and literary resources, to inspire the kind of mindset that will promote the sustainable good of the people.


Faithful Plodding in Preparation For Future Ministry

  • Containers for the Resource Center: The roof and finish work for the containers is coming along well. The building has a covered garage in between the containers and a store room in the back. The ground around the containers is also being laid with design stone that will provide parking space under the mango tree. With these two additional containers we will have four 40 foot containers as a safe holding spot as resources are distributed to leaders and churches in Uganda, South Sudan and the Republic of Sudan. More information on this vision is “here“. Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated for the completion of this work. We received word that a container of 20,000 ESV paperback Bibles from Christianbook International Outreach CIO  is on its way and scheduled to arrive around the middle of June. Another load of sound Christian books for leaders is “hitching” a ride on a CIO container and should be here in the Fall. Jacob has in his heart to bring as many as the Lord wills of the Africa Study Bibles on a future “haul“. He is already working on the “A-Z” of getting them here. Pray that many can be brought to RAU.

RAU is grateful for our partnership with  Crossway Global Ministry , Christianbook International Outreach CIO and for all of you who support us in our vision of getting Bibles, Study Bibles, and Christ-centered literature into the hands of church leaders and those who come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior! Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the fastest church-growth regions in the world. For the church to grow not only in number but in depth and faithfulness, such resources, especially the Bible, are desperately needed.
“The printed page is a missionary that can go anywhere and do so at minimum cost. It enters closed lands and reaches all strata of society. It does not grow weary. It needs no furlough. It lives longer than any missionary. It never gets ill. It penetrates through the mind to the heart and conscience. It has and is producing results everywhere. It has often lain dormant yet retained its life and bloomed years later.” (Missionary Samuel Marinus Zwemer 1867– 1952).

  • Radio Station/frequency: We are continuing to wait for a response from our application for a radio frequency. The wheels of bureaucracy turn slowly, but it seems that the cogs of the wheel are connecting and causing some motion. In faith, Jacob is laying the groundwork for the building of a studio where broadcasting would take place.

Proposed site for Radio studio

  • Grafted Mangoes: As many of you know, we are energetically promoting grafted mangoes in education and demonstration for economic empowerment for the church and the community. We now have nearly 1000 grafted mango trees, ages 11 years to 11 months old on RAU’s demonstration farm. Harvest is in full swing and customers are even coming from Kampala and Juba. The trees themself are becoming the greatest ambassadors for promoting grafted mangoes for our area. In the photos below are a few varieties of mangoes here at RAU. Included are photos of the newest field with the 11 month old mangoes, older mango trees and a picture of a large and small tree where you can see the grafting line.


  • Jovia Lioni: Praise the Lord! Jovia has gone for her second review after having reconstructive surgery on her foot with macrodactyly (unusually large toe, in her case). It was a joy to receive this photo of her wearing “normal” shoes on both feet! Her review went very well and she has been discharged from care (apart from any further problems which are not expected). This so well tells the story of the what and why of God’s Big Story much of which we have yet to see and understand.
  • Praise the Lord for amazing partners in our gospel preaching, discipleship, and mercy ministry work–without which we could NOT do what we are doing. God is good and He is good THROUGH all of you who consider RAU among your priorities in prayer, financial partnership and encouragement and engagement.
  • Praise the Lord for our partnership with ABWE! Jacob and I are ABWE associate missionaries, while remaining RAU missionaries. We saw this as God’s leading to carry on the mission/vision of Reaching Africa’s Unreached. Please continue in prayer for the Langworthy and Pryce families as they raise support to come alongside the work as long term missionaries. Please watch the video that Aaron Langworthy made when he was here a couple months back with the ABWE Roots of Faith team. It covers well many aspects of RAU’s ministry. ABWE also did some video short clips with Jacob and me, Supporting Local Ugandan Churchesand “Answering God’s Call to Missions as an Older Couple”.
  • We are grateful to be able to be a part the ABWE East Africa conference in Cape Town, South Africa from June 24th-27th and to get to know other missionaries from our region. We are thankful for Caleb and Alair Mitchel who took the lead in organizing what we expect to be a great time of encouragement.
  • Please pray that walls of resistance would be broken down so that we can get a powerful, gospel-centered, Christ-exalting FM radio station established at RAU!
  • Lastly, please pray for our visit to America this summer. From Cape Town we will head to Texas. We look forward to seeing family, friends, being in our home sending church, Lifegate, and visiting supporting churches during our USA visit. Lord willing we will make new friends and be in a couple of new churches (for us) that have a heart for missions in our area of the world.

Jacob shared this quote and I believe it speaks very well to the What and the Why of our life “on this side off the pond”!

“On a personal note, one of the hardest things for Carol and me is being so far away from our children, their spouses, our 9 grandchildren and other family members. We often ponder, many times with tears when thinking about our family, this phrase from Oswald Chambers, “Obedience to the call of Christ nearly always costs everything to two people- the one who is called, and the one who loves that one.”  Jacob has also recently written about our prayer for our children/spouses and our grandchildren quoting this verse: ““And as for me, this is my covenant with them,” says the LORD: “My Spirit that is upon you, and my words that I have put in your mouth, shall not depart out of your mouth, or out of the mouth of your offspring, or out of the mouth of your children’s offspring,” says the LORD, “from this time forth and forevermore.” (Isaiah 59:21). Our prayer is not only for our children and children’s children but that, as God promised Abraham, ALL the nations of the earth would be blessed, and “and all the families of the nations shall worship before [the LORD]. For kingship belongs to the LORD, and he rules over the nations.

Blessings, Prayers, and Appreciation!

Carol and Jacob Lee


What we do now in the Lord and for Him will echo throughout eternity for His praise and honor….all else is dust in the wind!

All donations are tax deductible–> https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=WAR99DL4JFWXQ&ssrt=1702909444355

“It is our conviction that the Gospel is the power of God for salvation” (Romans 1:16) and we have been entrusted to proclaim it passionately and rightly. Our dependence is upon the Holy Spirit for the power to preach, teach, live and endure all things for the sake of the elect. (1 Timothy 2:10). As Christians, we are called to lay down our lives so that the Gospel will be preached to all. As ones who are confident in God’s sovereignty and passionate for His glory we seek to reach the many that have never heard of the Savior and His work of reconciliation. We understand that this work cannot be accomplished in our own strength but only through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. The means He uses in His people are cross-centered living, sacrificial and loving service, Bible-soaked preaching/teaching, fervent intercessory prayer, and Christ-likeness.” (From Reaching Africa’s Unreached Mission & Vision Statement)

Checks also may be written out to “RAU” and sent to our secretary Beth and she will deposit them into RAU’s account : Lifegate-RAU, 395 Lifegate Ln., Seguin, TX. 78155

Mission & Vision Statements: https://reachingafricasunreached.org/about/

Mercy Ministries: https://reachingafricasunreached.org/agriculture-project/

Blog Posts: www.ReachingAfricasUnreached.org

RAU’s YouTube Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRmHafoBSemE7jS8kEHCG6Q/videos

RAU Donation Page : https://reachingafricasunreached.org/donations/ 

Our ABWE Personal Donation Page: https://give.abwe.org/worker/2125

Our RAU/ABWE Uganda Ministry Operations/Projects Page: https://give.abwe.org/projects/rau-uganda-short-term-teams

RAU is in partnership with ABWE

Carol and I am grateful to be  Associate Missionaries with ABWE.

Video Interview: What does it mean to be an Associate Missionary with ABWE? 

Some New Videos

Open Air.jpg

I hope you are well! It has been well over six weeks since our last report to you all on ministry events happening here at Reaching Africa’s Unreached (RAU). Carol and I are ever mindful of and grateful for your ongoing intercession and support. Truly…deeply!! 

Below is a short update via some new videos. We have pastors arriving today (May 13th) for the second half  (lessons 11-20, of the Helping Without Hurting in Africa) of a week-long module in RAU’s Hall of Tyrannus. Our primary mission is encapsulated in 2 Timothy 2:2

After this week we will give a report on the Hill Country Fellowship Church (HCF), Burnet, Texas ministry team which recently were with us for a wonderful week of ministry together in Yumbe, Biddi-biddi refugee resettlement camp and the Metu Mountains. There will also be updates which we will share with you on the expanded Bible/book resource center, the gospel radio station (which is to be located on the campus of RAU) and other ministry events.

 Below is a short video message on the banks of Metu Mountain stream  before 44 were baptized. PTL! 

It was a joy to have the HCF team along with us to witness this event.

Sometimes, when you are plodding along with “your nose to the grindstone” you don’t take the time to look back and see where you have been and the work that has been accomplished. Aaron Langworthy, along with some of his family, is laboring to join us here in the field. The Pryce family, too, is seeking to join us long term. On his recent visit to get a firsthand view of RAU’s activities in the West Nile region, Aaron made a fruitful effort to interview many of the people who are involved in RAU’s evangelism and discipleship ministry. The video which he edited has made us stop and take note of the many good things that the Lord is doing and of which we are grateful to be a part. Aaron did a wonderful overview of RAU’s mission and vision! This video is a little longer.  I pray you will take some time to watch “First Hand Accounts”. All your prayers are much appreciated!

Another short video which was done at the ABWE headquarters in Pennsylvania last summer:

Answering God’s Call to Missions as an Older Couple

Blessings and Prayers!

Jacob and Carol Lee


What we do now in the Lord and for Him will echo throughout eternity for His praise and honor….all else is dust in the wind!

“It is our conviction that the Gospel is the power of God for salvation” (Romans 1:16) and we have been entrusted to proclaim it passionately and rightly. Our dependence is upon the Holy Spirit for the power to preach, teach, live and endure all things for the sake of the elect. (1 Timothy 2:10). As Christians, we are called to lay down our lives so that the Gospel will be preached to all. As ones who are confident in God’s sovereignty and passionate for His glory we seek to reach the many that have never heard of the Savior and His work of reconciliation. We understand that this work cannot be accomplished in our own strength but only through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. The means He uses in His people are cross-centered living, sacrificial and loving service, Bible-soaked preaching/teaching, fervent intercessory prayer, and Christ-likeness.” (From Reaching Africa’s Unreached Mission & Vision Statement)

All donations are tax deductible–> https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=WAR99DL4JFWXQ&ssrt=1702909444355

Checks also may be written out to “RAU” and sent to our secretary Beth and she will deposit them into RAU’s account : Lifegate-RAU, 395 Lifegate Ln., Seguin, TX. 78155

Mission & Vision Statements: https://reachingafricasunreached.org/about/

Mercy Ministries: https://reachingafricasunreached.org/agriculture-project/

Blog Posts: www.ReachingAfricasUnreached.org

RAU’s YouTube Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRmHafoBSemE7jS8kEHCG6Q/videos

RAU Donation Page : https://reachingafricasunreached.org/donations/ 

Our ABWE Personal Donation Page: https://give.abwe.org/worker/2125

Our RAU/ABWE Uganda Ministry Operations/Projects Page: https://give.abwe.org/projects/rau-uganda-short-term-teams

RAU is in partnership with ABWE

Carol and I am grateful to be  Associate Missionaries with ABWE.

Video Interview: What does it mean to be an Associate Missionary with ABWE? 

A FM Gospel Radio Station at R.A.U.?

Before I share about a possible FM Gospel radio station at Reaching Africa’s Unreached, I would like to give you some updates since our last post.

1976 Ford 3600 work horse

This is our 1976 Ford 3600 work horse which helped tame ourAfrican bush“. It came in our first container back in 2013. Thank you to the donors…you know who you are! Thank you to the Hill Country Fellowship team for bringing parts for it when they arrive in April. Thank you also to Forest Hill Presbyterian Church (PCA) team who brought parts in January and ABWE Roots of Faith NT team who brought a part in early March. These were small parts but needful as we cannot get them here.

By God’s grace and the love his people, RAU now has nearly 26 acres, around 1000 grafted mangoes, 18 box gardens, put in 25 boreholes (water wells) in villages without clean water, and on the RAU campus buildings for staff, housing for teaching teams and church leaders for our module trainings, and the Hall of Tyrannus pastor teaching center.

This is all through God’s amazing grace and the Christ-like, sacrificial love of his people!

Currently we are progressing on expanding our ability to be a resource center for sending out books and Bibles for Ugandans and Sudanese. For more information see: YouTube Update and “Bible & Book Distribution Center” Will you help us spread the fame of King Jesus through the written page?

From March 4th-9th we had 53 church leaders from various denominations for ABWE’s Good Soil “Roots of Faith: New Testament”. ABWE missionaries, Randy Southwell, Nuwagaba Mwesigwa Denny, and Pastor Bobby Hile (with First Baptist Church of Van Wert Ohio) were back with us. It was a wonderful, engaging week of studying the New Testament! Last year, these men, along with ABWE’s missionary, Caleb Mitchell, were with us for “Roots of Faith: Old Testament”. Thank you for your support in helping us walk out 2 Timothy 2:2.

ABWE Good Soil Roots of Faith: New Testament March 4th-9th

RAU is in close partnership with ABWE. Carol and I have become ABWE associate missionaries, while remaining RAU missionaries. We saw this as God’s leading to carry on the mission/vision of Reaching Africa’s Unreached. ABWE has been around for 100 years and knows all the ins and outs of working all over the world while keeping the local church primary in missions. As we have mentioned often, two families coming through ABWE, the Pryce’s and Langworthy’s, are raising support to join us long term. I hope Carol and I can stay as long as we can here to walk alongside them/others that the Lord brings long term so that we can be mutually encouraged and learn from one another. ABWE’s and RAU’s vision/mission are in alignment and it is our desire that this vision is carried on from generation to generation until Jesus return.

Aaron Langworthy, along with ABWE’s East Africa director, Caleb Mitchell, came with the Roots of Faith team this time. It was Aaron’s first time to visit Uganda with the desire to “come and see“, take lots of pictures and videos and be able to use them in their efforts to raise support for their move here to RAU. We (Aaron, Caleb, Pastor Henry, Carol and I ) visited Yumbe, meeting up with RAU’s Aringa co-worker, Onduga Charles, and also some of the Sheikhs (Muslim leaders) in the Yumbe community. It was an opportunity for introductions and connections that, one day, can be strengthened–and an opportunity to show love to 3 Sheikhs , in particular, through some medical help. We also made a quick trip to several places in the Metu Mountains with RAU’s co-worker Metu Mountain co-worker Pastor Tobious so that Aaron could have “on the ground” experience of the places where RAU does much outreach and discipleship.

Praise God for our time in the Metu Mountains and Yumbe

Above: Jovia is continuing to recover well from surgery for  macrodactyly on her left foot (unusually large toes). This sweet girl rural Metu Mountain girl was able to have this surgery done by God’s through his people.

Now for an update on the powerful FM radio station that RAU and Radio South Sudan hope to construct on the RAU campus. Our goal is for it to cover Moyo, Obongi, Yumbe, Adjumani, the nearby refugee resettlement camps and other West Nile Uganda Districts. Also, our desire is for it to reach deep into South Sudan. RAU is just two kilometers from South Sudan. One former Moyo station was able to reach Juba so I am confident that with a strong transmitter RAU’s station could as well.

Currently, Moyo only has one working radio station run by the Roman Catholics so the options are this one and a Muslim run station from Yumbe as well as another secular station in Obongi. Very few people in our area have TV’s. I would estimate that nearly 100% of the population listens daily to the radio. I under the conviction that it is God’s will for a strong FM gospel radio station to be on the campus of RAU which would proclaim the glorious gospel of grace, give biblically sound teaching, provide gospel-centered music, and community agricultural training and health reports. I also know that where God leads he provides. Please pray and consider how you may be able to help us establish this goal.

One of RAU’s workers listening to the one radio station in Moyo. Nearly all listen to the radio through their phones or small radios. What would be the impact of a gospel centered Christ exalting radio station for the West Nile of Uganda and South Sudan?

This is the current status on radio station. Nearly a year ago, Mike Gwartney, with Radio South Sudan came to RAU with his son and one of his Uganda co-workers. They generously offer to help RAU with equipment and Ugandan experts to install, set up and train staff in its operation. RAU’s commitment is to keep it up and run it for gospel proclamation. Since then we have struggled to get a license from the UCC (Ugandan Communication Commission). Currently, they are not giving out new frequencies and licenses to run a station. Their advice is to buy an existing frequency which is not operating. I am of the conviction having an FM station is a “Macedonia” calling. Before that vision of Paul’s, he was stopped twice (see Acts 16:6-10). We are currently in discussion with the family of the owner of a station who recently died. They want to sell their tower, transmitter, batteries, etc., and the frequency which would be switched into RAU’s name. The plan would be to combine this equipment with what is coming with Radio South Sudan to make it a very powerful FM Gospel station. I estimate the cost to be $80,000+. At such times, I feel like I am one of disciples who was told to feed the 5,000 and saying to Lord but we only have…. Please let us pray together that the Lord do his multiplying work!

The base of the radio would be at the bottom of tank tower and extend above the water tank. We have a 12M X 4M spot ready to be made into the studio. I could extend it bit as well. Those years of being in construction back in Texas have come in handy here. We have some money which has been given which can go towards the building of the studio.

Please keep praying for the radio station and “Bible & Book Distribution Center” as well as the other ministries RAU is involved. Please consider being a part of Reaching Africa’s Unreached (RAU), the ABWE team, and local Ugandan/Sudanese partners in spreading the fame of King Jesus in the West Nile of Uganda and northward into South Sudan and the Republic of (North) Sudan!

Please pray for these upcoming ministry events:

  1. Easter service in Obongi Town Church. This was RAU’s first partnership in a church plant. Obongi town itself is upwards of 95% Muslim.. I have been also invited to speak in the afternoon for one hour on the Obongi radio station.
  2. April 17th-24th: we have a ministry team coming from Hill Country Fellowship in Burnet, Texas. We will be ministering in the Metu Mountains, Yumbe and the nearby refuge resettlement camp. Please being praying for this team’s travel and ministry with us.
  3. The second half of the module “Helping Without Hurting in Africa” is May 6th -11th. One of the authors of the book and Ugandan economist, Jonny Kabiswa Kyazze, along with a colleague will come for the teaching. Sadly, co author Anthony Sytsma is unable to be with us again. Read about the first half last year here: https://reachingafricasunreached.org/2023/05/21/helping-without-hurting-in-africa/
  4. May 27th-31st: we hosting, once again, Jinja’s Hope Smiles for another week long dental outreach. Last November, in five days the team saw 487 patients, did 243 Deep cleanings, 56 Simple cleanings, 323 Restorations and 425 Extractions. Each person received Madi-English or Aringa-English dual language gospel tracts which they could read while waiting to be seen. Some received bibles as well as books in Arabic (Sudanese who came from across the South Sudan border which is 2 kilometers away). Interestingly, two patients who were seen were army generals from South Sudan. For pictures scroll down on this post: https://reachingafricasunreached.org/2023/11/18/keeping-our-stride/
  5. In the “in between times” we will be working on the new construction efforts for the Bible and Distribution center, and, Lord willing, the new gospel radio station, discipleship and evangelism in the Metu Mountains, Yumbe and Obongi.
  6. Pray for Carol and me that we would be fruitful, full of vitality, and ever green! “Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green. They will declare, “The Lord is just! He is my rock! There is no evil in him!” (Psalms 94:14-15 NLT) Now pushing closer to 69, I sincerely wish to apologize to people still alive who I called “old” at 40 when I was 18! My testimony entitled, “I Remember,” is here.

We had a recent incident on campus causing us to giving thanks to the Lord for the many of you who pray for our protection. Over the years, especially in the beginning we had to kill many very poisonous snakes. Now that everything is cleared we see fewer cobras, mambas, puff adders and others. However, just last week a very large black mamba was spotted in one of mango trees on the campus which was fortunately killed before biting anyone. “The bite of a black mamba can cause collapse in humans within 45 minutes. Without appropriate antivenom treatment, symptoms typically progress to respiratory failure, which leads to cardiovascular collapse and death. This typically occurs in 7 to 15 hours.” No antivenom is available in Moyo. Read more about the Black Mamba here!

With love, gratefulness and prayers,

Jacob and Carol Lee

What we do now in the Lord and for Him will echo throughout eternity for His praise and honor….all else is dust in the wind!


RAU is in a partnership with ABWE: www.ABWE.org

“It is our conviction that the Gospel is the power of God for salvation” (Romans 1:16) and we have been entrusted to proclaim it passionately and rightly. Our dependence is upon the Holy Spirit for the power to preach, teach, live and endure all things for the sake of the elect. (1 Timothy 2:10). As Christians, we are called to lay down our lives so that the Gospel will be preached to all. As ones who are confident in God’s sovereignty and passionate for His glory we seek to reach the many that have never heard of the Savior and His work of reconciliation. We understand that this work cannot be accomplished in our own strength but only through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. The means He uses in His people are cross-centered living, sacrificial and loving service, Bible-soaked preaching/teaching, fervent intercessory prayer, and Christ-likeness.” (From Reaching Africa’s Unreached Mission & Vision Statement)

Donations are tax deductible–> https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=WAR99DL4JFWXQ&ssrt=1702909444355

For those not wishing to use PayPal, donations can be made through ABWE’s portal here: https://give.abwe.org/worker/2125 Also, anyone who is giving through PayPal is more than welcome to switch to the ABWE portal. There are several reasons why we would like to move away from PayPal portal to the ABWE portal. All gifts remain tax deductible through PayPal and ABWE.

Checks also may be written out to “RAU” and sent to our secretary Beth and she will deposit them into RAU’s account : Lifegate-RAU, 395 Lifegate Ln., Seguin, TX. 78155

Mission & Vision Statements: https://reachingafricasunreached.org/about/

Mercy Ministries: https://reachingafricasunreached.org/agriculture-project/

Blog Posts: www.ReachingAfricasUnreached.org

Donation Page : https://reachingafricasunreached.org/donations/

RAU’s YouTube Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRmHafoBSemE7jS8kEHCG6Q/videos

Video Interview: What does it mean to be an Associate Missionary with ABWE? 

Count Your Blessings, Name Them One By One!!

By Carol Lee

Alu (1), Eri (2), Ina (3), Isu (4), Tou (5), Azia (6), Tudyeri (7), Aro (8), Dricalu [Dri-cha-lo] (9), Mudri (10)!!! (1-10 in the Ma’di language.)

My soul, bless the LORD,
and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
My soul, bless the LORD,
and do not forget all his benefits.

Psalm 103: 1-2

One (Alu): How can we not start with the most basic of blessings? God is our Father and we are His children!!! He has provided us with life and breath and every good thing–most especially, the life-giving, atoning work of Christ, our Savior! Now, the Holy Spirit makes His home in us who have put our faith in Christ, teaching us, convicting us, comforting us and keeping us through life’s trials and triumphs. That God is sovereignly good means that even the hardest things are good things and He means to use all things for His glory and our good! Praise the Lord!

Two (Eri): Micaiah Joy was here and made her mark on this part of Uganda!!! Much like her namesake in the Old Testament (1 Kings 22: 8), she is a steadfast truth-teller; she is an encourager and radiates the warm and inviting light of Christ. Jacob and I, the whole RAU team, and all with whom she came into contact were blessed and refreshed in her company. Most days, she worked out in the gardens, raking, watering or weeding and even in the fields, digging–and getting a few blisters. Her diligence and courage to try new things brought much happiness to her co-workers. She soaked up every experience possible and spread joy, fun, and friendship around–much like the “ti ze” (cow manure) she helped to scatter over the fields! (Hahahaha!) Though Micaiah has returned to the States, she has left us with a sweet taste in our mouths and a reminder of the fragrant aroma we are to be to the world around us! We pray that, wherever the Lord takes her in the future, she will be used in the same way there as she was used here.

Three (Ina): The two empty containers have been set on their foundation, awaiting the 21,000 Bibles and books that are being shipped!!! Our sincere hope is that this literature will be like a goldmine, ready to be excavated by eager students of the Word through Spirit illumination–the word of truth and truth made accessible through books by Spirit-gifted teachers. Now that the containers are set in place, the plan is to build a roof over the both of them to provide protection from the elements. The space between the containers will be used as storage for the tractor and other items. You can find more details here: https://reachingafricasunreached.org/2024/01/30/bible-and-book-distribution-center/ Please pray with us for provision for this next stage of preparation and consider giving. Thank you!

Four (Isu): RAU is blessed to have key partnerships in its goal to distribute inspiring literature to leaders, pastors and future leaders!!! We thank God for ChristianBook International Outreach and Crossway for their part in bringing much needed resources to this region.

Five (Tou): Paul George, friend and RAU co-worker, made it safely to RAU!!! After a slightly longer than expected stay in the USA settling his mother comfortably after the death of his father he was able to return. Paul has a heart for evangelism and for ministry to suffering people. His plan is to move to a location near the hospital where he will be available for prayer, counsel and support for those struggling physically and spiritually. He is also involved in a vital spiritual ministry in the local prison. Please be praying for him in those various areas of service. His faithfulness in standing with us at RAU and coming alongside us on the ground is a gift.

Six (Azia): Jacob and I have always been so grateful for the team on the ground!!! Over the almost 11 years, though different ones have come and gone, we see the core team as having been distilled to a family of faithful, hard-working and beloved folks. It is a joy to work with them–each one has specific skill sets that are a blessing to the ministry.

Seven (Tudyeri): The Mango orchard is really shaping up!!! To this point, we have around 1000 grafted mangoes planted over the nearly 26-acres of RAU property. Lots of pruning and clearing have made a ready environment for reducing the fruit fly population and spread of other pests and diseases. The age of the mango trees ranges from 9 months to 11 years. Most trees begin significant production between years 3-5 and they can produce up to 100 or more years under ideal conditions! That is why we are advocating to as many as possible the planting of grafted mangoes in Moyo District. It is a great, long term plan for economic empowerment as, once the trees are established, they are a sure, longterm source of income-producing fruit. RAU’s hope is that, if enough grafted mango trees are planted in the district, a juicing plant (along with jobs and a ready market) might be drawn to this region. Jacob loves to say, “I preach grafted mango production second only to the Gospel“. Spiritual need will always come first, but physical needs also cannot be ignored. Grafted mangoes help support the ministry of RAU and can be a boost for the local economy.

Eight (Aro): A huge project has been underway which is nearing completion: the construction of two water channels to reduce erosion in certain areas of the land which slope downward in several directions. We have had a great crew working on the project. Additionally, Vetiver grass has been planted to keep the top soil rooted. These measures will help the mangoes to grow and produce well.

Nine (Dricalu): We are grateful for teams that come and help us with the modular trainings which characterize our 2 Timothy 2:2 vision of training faithful leaders who will be able to teach others!!! This next week, we are receiving an ABWE team which is returning to teach Roots of Faith: New Testament Survey. Last year, they completed the Roots of Faith: Old Testament Survey and, from the feedback and simply watching the participation, it was an effective course. We are especially happy to be receiving Aaron Langworthy, one of our prospective ABWE/RAU missionaries. Our hope is that this on-the-ground visit will add jet fuel to their fundraising efforts and bring them here in full-time ministry quickly. Pray for the Pryce family who is also seeking to join us long term.

Ten (Mudri): Jacob and I thank God so, so much for you all who pray for us, give to the ministry, write notes of encouragement, come and work with us, host us when we are Stateside, hug our necks, feed us and so much more!!! The ministry of RAU is an outworking of the vision and mission of local churches and our raison d’etre is to come alongside what God is doing in local churches on this side–encouraging and equipping leaders of churches in the West Nile of Uganda, South Sudan and in the Republic of Sudan. We have often said that, as a ministry, we are simply a pipeline of blessings that come from your hands and heart and are delivered to the ones we are here to serve.

Please continue to pray for the following needs and upcoming events:

  1. The Langworthy’s and Pryce’s are working towards meeting their budget goals which will give them a “green light” to make the move to RAU. Please pray that churches and individuals will see the vision and get on board with support. This is a vital part of encouraging Jacob and me, of broadening the effective work of RAU and of continuing the work even after Jacob and I are gone!
  2. Pray for a successful Leadership retreat (ABWE Good Soil Roots of Faith: New Testament) this upcoming week, for safety in everyone’s travels–teachers and students alike, for an optimal learning environment, for endurance, for cooler weather, and for health and wellbeing of all.
  3. In April, we will host a team from a new supporting church in Burnet, Texas–Hill Country Fellowship. The lead pastor, Scott Frerking, is an acquaintance and friend from many decades ago who Jacob and I knew him when he was a young lad of 8 or 9. It is such a privilege to see him taking a spiritual lead and, along with Missions Pastor, Jeremy Cotton, nurture a very missions-minded church. This is a “come and see” visit for these two men and for the rest of the team that is joining them!
  4. In May, we will receive one of the authors of “Helping Without Hurting in Africa“, Jonny Kabiswa Kyazze and his team, for the 2nd half of their course. This is such an impactful teaching and our prayer is that the mindset they propose will be readily received and implemented for the long-term blessing of the countries from which the students come.
  5. At the end of May, the Hope Smiles Dental team from Jinja, Uganda, will be back for a 2nd week-long dental clinic. Last November they were an immense blessing to our region which is in great need of their services. Please consider giving towards future dental outreaches. The cost is $5,000 for a week long clinic. This covers payment for their services, travel, medicines, transportation to bring people from the remote places of the Metu Mountains and Yumbe and housing/feeding the team while they are here.
  6. Please pray and consider giving towards the roofing over the two new containers. And pray that RAU could wisely and effectively distribute the resources to those who will most benefit from them. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09V2ooYNuNE&t=5s
  7. Pray for the Demo Farm operations–that this place would be a place of learning and inspiration that would improve the economic conditions in the generations to come in this region of Uganda as well as other countries from which farmers come to improve their practices.

With love, gratefulness and prayers,

Jacob and Carol Lee

What we do now in the Lord and for Him will echo throughout eternity for His praise and honor….all else is dust in the wind!


RAU is in a partnership with ABWE: www.ABWE.org

“It is our conviction that the Gospel is the power of God for salvation” (Romans 1:16) and we have been entrusted to proclaim it passionately and rightly. Our dependence is upon the Holy Spirit for the power to preach, teach, live and endure all things for the sake of the elect. (1 Timothy 2:10). As Christians, we are called to lay down our lives so that the Gospel will be preached to all. As ones who are confident in God’s sovereignty and passionate for His glory we seek to reach the many that have never heard of the Savior and His work of reconciliation. We understand that this work cannot be accomplished in our own strength but only through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. The means He uses in His people are cross-centered living, sacrificial and loving service, Bible-soaked preaching/teaching, fervent intercessory prayer, and Christ-likeness.” (From Reaching Africa’s Unreached Mission & Vision Statement)

Donations are tax deductible–> https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=WAR99DL4JFWXQ&ssrt=1702909444355

Checks also may be written out to “RAU” and sent to our secretary Beth and she will deposit them into RAU’s account : Lifegate-RAU, 395 Lifegate Ln., Seguin, TX. 78155

Mission & Vision Statements: https://reachingafricasunreached.org/about/

Mercy Ministries: https://reachingafricasunreached.org/agriculture-project/

Blog Posts: www.ReachingAfricasUnreached.org

Donation Page : https://reachingafricasunreached.org/donations/

RAU’s YouTube Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRmHafoBSemE7jS8kEHCG6Q/videos