North Sudanese Leader’s Retreat

Sudanese Retreat
RAU’s 27th Retreat: Sudanese Leaders July 16th- 20th

We have just finished Module One of Nine of the Reaching and Teaching pastoral training program with 37 young men. This is RAU’s 27th  leaders’ retreat since our move to Afoji, Moyo District. Most of the 37 are from the Republic of Sudan states of Nuba Mountains, White Nile, and Darfur. A few were from the northern states of South Sudan which border the Sudan;  there were two locals, one of which was an Imam who sat in on the classes. Currently, the Sudanese  are residing in refugee encampments in Uganda. Their heart is to see the fame of King Jesus spread throughout the whole of Sudan. They are from tribes which are nearly 100% Muslim. For instance, one brother is of the Tima Tribe. The Joshua Projects states on its Tima page that “it is unlikely there are any followers of Jesus today within this small tribe.” This Tima brother was once a Muezzin. Now he calls people to believe in Jesus! He left RAU to go directly to his tribe with Bibles, literature, and with help for his transport. He is committed to being back to RAU in September for Module 2 of 9. The men at the retreat are from ten different unreached”  Sudanese people groups. Your prayers and support make it possible for men like these  brothers to attend RAU’s trainings.

Multiplication Is Key in Missions

“….Paul…. taking the disciples with him, and went on holding daily discussions in the lecture hall of Tyrannus [instead of in the synagogue].This continued for two years, SO THAT ALL THE INHABITANTS of [the west coast province of] Asia [Minor], Jews as well as Greeks, heard the word of the Lord [concerning eternal salvation through faith in Christ]. (Acts 19:9b-10 AMP- Emphasis mine)…….“The things [the doctrine, the precepts, the admonitions, the sum of my ministry] which you have heard me teach in the presence of many witnesses, entrust [as a treasure] to reliable and faithful men who will also be capable and qualified to teach others.” (2 Timothy 2:2 AMP).

May the gospel spread throughout the Republic of Sudan as it did in “Asia” when taught in the Ephesus “Hall of Tyrannus”!!

 When the men arrived they were immediately registered and given a bag of ministry resources. By the end of their nine modules they should have a nice little library.

They settled in their sleeping accommodations and were able to take a refreshing shower to wash away the dust from their journey. Because of the gifts of God’s people, RAU transported the men from their various refugee encampments and back and kept them well fed throughout the week.  Co-worker Maeghan Bell and Carol, as well as all RAU staff, were great examples of Christ’s love through selfless service all week long.


Pastor Jason Andrew Van Bemmel of Forest Hill Presbyterian (PCA) and Bob Brown from Maryland did the bulk of the teaching which covered an overview of the Old Testament, God’s call to Ministry and also lessons on love, truth and the importance of Bible reading. Jason and Bob are excellent, Christ-centered teachers of the Word of God! RAU’s agricultural expert, Apiku Emma, had his first of nine modules on agriculture, farming as a business, and entrepreneurship. I started off with a lesson from Acts 17:11-12 on the importance of following the example of the “Bereans” and RAU’s vision of multiplication in missions.

Joshua Abraham, who is from Darfur North Sudan, is our “man on the ground in the camps” who faithfully oversaw which men came from the various refugee encampments. He is a trusted brother who has taught me much about Sudan and the gospel advancement/struggles in his homeland.

Carol closed with poignant and wise exhortation on the importance of shepherds recognizing all who serve in the church, not just those who are front and center.  I sent them off with a closing exhortation from 2 Timothy 2:9-10. The vision we have for Christ to be glorified in the Republic of Sudan will mean the laying down of  lives to see the gospel spread.

“…I am suffering even to [the point of] wearing chains like a criminal; but the word of God is not chained or imprisoned! For this reason I [am ready to] patiently endure all things for the sake of those who are the elect (God’s chosen ones), so that they too may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus and with it the reward of eternal glory.”

2 Timothy 2:9-10 AMP


On Thursday night we watched a powerful video of the conversion of a Jihadist and we had a number of testimonies of on how God opens hearts to the gospel message. It was a testament to how powerful the word of God is to break into the stony hearts of men.  When asked how many do not have any portion of Scripture in their language, about twelve brothers raised their hands. Fortunately, all the brothers knew either Arabic or English or both. Tears where coming from my  eyes as I listened to their testimonies and their vibrant gospel singing in Arabic. I videoed one brother who gave a testimony on how many Muslims have come to Christ in his village. Our God is an awesome God mighty to save! The video is in the YouTube link below. The Arabic is translated into English at second 55.


 Our plan was to have just those who are pastors or called to be pastors to be in the training. BUT GOD in his providence also sent two Sudanese Muslims to be with us. One of the brothers said these men were seeking the truth and he had to bring them. Well…on the second day of training they made an open profession of faith before all. On day four Jason and I met with them along with Joshua. These new beleivers are on fire to take the gospel back to their camp and back to Sudan. I gave them the 9 Marks Arabic versions of  Who Is Jesus? and What Is the Gospel? by Greg Gilbert, as well as my Christian/Muslim apologetic booklets. These were in addition to what they had received in their resource bags. We all praise God that we had a week together! Please fervently pray for our Sudanese brothers and that the light of Christ will shine brightly throughout the Republic of Sudan!

Below are the two new brothers in Christ.

Because of the great financial difficulty of church leaders, RAU actively seeks to teach people how to make money through agriculture. The one thing most all people have is land and God has given the gifted Emma as a teacher. Teaching them sound agricultural and business practices is a necessary component of our discipleship training. Along with the training each guest was given start up seed of upland rice, soybeans and bananas suckers. They had to dig their own suckers which was also used as a teaching lesson. RAU is seeking to walk out 2 Timothy 2:2 with agriculture as well sound biblical training. Please continue in your prayers for us in this calling the Lord has given us.

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him (and his family) for a lifetime.”

Chinese Proverb

My heart was full of praise and thanksgiving all week long. What an privilege and honor to be a part of God’s plan of reaching the unreached in the Republic of Sudan. You who pray for us and give financially have also been given this privilege.

I am sure that none of us will say when in heaven that we prayed too much, we sacrificed too much, proclaimed the gospel too much, and were too passionate to get the gospel to those who have little to no access to this gospel of grace. Let us together press on to make it our  ambition to preach the gospel where Christ has not been named!



Here are a few upcoming events we seek you prayers for:

  • Co-worker Charles has told me that we will have an opportunity to meet soon with two top Muslim leaders in Yumbe District, Chairman of the Muslim High Council and the District Khard. Our last meeting with the Chairman was cordial. My prayer is that we will be able to continue to have dialogs with the District’s Imams and Sheikhs.
  • On the 25th RAU will host the monthly meeting of a UNHCR director for the area and a number of NGO representatives working with the refugees. Emma has been attending their meetings on behalf of RAU. They wanted to meet at RAU to walk through our 20 acre demonstration farm and hear about what they say is a “unique approach“, aka 2 Timothy 2:2. They have heard much about RAU and wanted to see and hear for themselves. Pray that we will be a good witness for Christ.
  • August 9-22 another team led by High Pointe Baptist Austin Texas will be here for Module 5 training for our Tier 1 leaders. We have other ministry events planned as well.
  • Rocky Point Baptist Stephenville Texas will be bringing another team to RAU September 13-26th for ministry. The 17th-21st our Sudanese brothers will be back for Module 2 of 9 tier 2 leaders.
  • Evangelism in Yumbe District, Obongi sub-county, and Metu Mountains.
  • Discipleship training in church plants.
  • Agricultural training via the radio and RAU demonstration plots. Second season grain crops are soon to be seeded.
  • The almost daily opportunities to  welcome and witness to visitors coming to RAU for various reasons.
  • Continual good health and protection.

On the 10th of July Carol and I celebrated our 37th wedding anniversary. I am so grateful that the Lord in His mercy and grace gave me a woman who has remained faithful to Him and me. We remain committed to each other and our Sovereign Lord. Carol’s life of sacrificial service is a testimony to her children, grand children, and many friends from Uganda, South Sudan, D.R. Congo, the Republic of Sudan, and the U.S.A. May the good Lord give us many more years of service together for His glory. Please pray for our marriage that we will be a good representatives of Christ and His church!

1981 Engagement Photos 

Love and blessings,

Jacob (Carol) Lee

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RAU was recently registered with Amazon as a non-profit organization to which a percentage may be donated for every dollar you spend there.  Here is the link if you are interested:

For those who have asked, small packages and letters may safely be sent to:

Jacob & Carol Lee, PO. 55, Moyo Uganda, East Africa

The greatest evil is having the gospel and not doing everything within our power to get it to those who do not have it!
When at least 35% of the world, “the unoccupied fields”, have no access to the gospel, we (believers) must all do all we can to reach them. We who are saved owe the gospel to every lost person, most especially the 2.4 billion who will not hear unless someone breaks into their “unoccupied field” with no thought of their own life!
Sowing seeds of love and kindness should not be separated from preaching the gospel of sovereign grace but completely intertwined with it!
Jacob Lee

Tax deductible  charitable donations may  be made via PayPal or check.  PayPal also has a way to make reoccurring monthly giftsReoccurring monthly gifts are very helpful to the ministry. To do so, please click on the PayPal link below. PayPal deducts  a small amount from each gift as a processing fee. All gifts given through PayPal and by check are tax deductible as Reaching Africa’s Unreached has 501c3 tax exempt status as a charitable organization.  If you wish to write a check you may write it out to R.A.U.and mail it to Lifegate Missions, 395 Lifegate Ln., Seguin Texas 78155.

PayPal Link:

One thought on “North Sudanese Leader’s Retreat

  1. Andrea Smith

    Praise the Lord!!!! Such a wonderful email to hear that all went as PLANNED for the retreat and multiple UNEXPECTED blessings and salvation from the Lord! Oh how I pray we can eventually come join you guys for a teaching retreat! 

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